Chris Puckett

If you live in the states, most are "at will" states. "At will" means you can leave your job whenever you want regardless of reasons and fulfilling no obligations to your employer while your employer also has those same rights to remove you from your post for no reason. There are a few states where this isn't

Oh come on, it was a cop out on the judges part. He took the easy way out. The right answer is free speech doesn't protect your ability to say what you want about your boss and not be fired, regardless of the length of the message.

Freedom of speech protects you from the government, not to keep your job if you "say" bad things about your boss. Additionally most states are "at will" states which means they could fire you because you don't like the color purple, or for no reason at all.

So what you're saying is it's a poorly worded sentence that is the issue, not the policy in place.

Don't complain at me, I'm just quoting the author. The previous sentence said: "Two years ago the World Economic Forum designated Sweden as the most gender-equal country in the world."

" It boasts the highest proportion of working women in the world and allow for 480-day parental leaves — of which 60 days are reserved for dads."

I had to reply to promote...

Tell that to the author who said "The idea that the presence of smarter, fitter, and happier people will result in a war that causes the death of 30 million people is a bit of a stretch."

Oh holy crap, I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard. This might beat the Three Wolves t-shirt review.

I'll paraphrase my previous post since you skipped it:

There are many who feel if it's not for forever then what's the point. If I can't count on "forever" then I don't want it. I have plenty of other things in life that make me happy, why waste tremendous resources on something you aren't planning on being permanent.

Then why in the world did you marry her in the first place?

Wow, completely missing the point.

Where did I say that religious people cramming their thoughts down your throat was ok? I know few, if any, that find pushing religious beliefs ok. That being said, I do know plenty who have been genuinely touched and changed by their faith and simply want to share that with you, similar to sharing a new book or

Are you even serious? I was just in France, I guess the whole countryside was secretly mocking the millions in attendance at Sunday mass.

I can assure you the vast majority of distrust is centered on the vocal minority of atheists, because their words ARE "I think your important beliefs are wrong".

It's not the threat of supernatural punishment, but the idea that there's a greater definition of what is right and wrong. If there is no definitive source of what is right and wrong then you get into moral relativism which is quite frankly scary.

WTF is this? I'm confused...

Agreed. This isn't about the universality of mathematics but how humanity displays said numbers... of course there are cultural differences. Regardless of how they put numbers in said number line 1+1 always equals 2.

Well, half way through DS9. I actually think season 2.5 to 6 of DS9 are the best Trek to ever air, even 7 without Jadzea was a great show.