Chris Puckett

I’ve run out of gas once, 20 years ago when I was 17. My car says I have nearly 60 miles of range left when the low fuel light comes on. Why in the world would I fill it up right when it comes on?

Where do you get off calling it “tin foil” at this point? A few days ago, people who were questioning her health were called conspiracy theorists, and today, she had what sure as fuck would have been described as a major health incident had it been McCain in 2008. In other words, people who said something is going on

Trainer: What’s your name?

If this was Jezebel, the title would’ve been “Entitled White Male Harasses Chinese Woman Online, Gets What He Deserves.”

All choices have consequences.

Bro, you are so stupid its unbelievable.

You really want regardless of age in there?

I have not defended Patrick Kane in any way. I am voicing my hope that he didn’t commit this heinous crime. You have continuously disregarded the context of my original post and all replies thereafter. I am stating facts. It is an allegation. No charges have been filed. False accusations do occur and it is not

Code brown. I repeat: code brown.

Sure he’s A1 up in the sheets. But I bet he switches to R1C1 if he’s working that VBA.

Wow. Just started following Deadspin, b/c BR is so vapid. The writing is pretty good, but Jesus Christ. Is this site supposed to be like the Huffington Post with a sports angle or what? The liberal agenda here would make Yahoo news blush. First I thought, OK, maybe it was just one or two writers, but it seems to be

Why is it ‘transphobia’ if you don’t think there’s anything particularly ‘brave’ in doing something that literally 100% of the mainstream media and pop culture establishment are tripping over themselves to congratulate you for? These people are basically in a competition with each other to see who can get their tongue

I think it’s less discouraging drinking more water and more just getting rid of myths that people hear that make them think that they need to drink more water. Like the first one — some people think they need to drink exactly 8 glasses of water, so they’ll count them out and drink all that water, whether or not

Sounds like the the officer believes the cops that arrested Freddie were negligent but did not intend for him to die. That's not that crazy of a limb to jump out on.

I guarantee Tebow is 5 times the man you are Drew.

Whatever, Jezzies gonna come for me but.

How'd you do in AP "Don't be a Fucking Dick" class?

Yeah, in practice those things don't tend to end well. (Being how WWII started and all) But for example, is it a bad thing for Native Americans to work to maintain their culture, their language, their heritage? Do you disapprove if two Native Americans choose to start a family with each other instead of with someone

Pro-tip: no one is honest about parenting on the internet. I'm sure you can see why.

No, that's not a good way of handling it. That just spreads more pus around. And no doubt her inlaws are now concerned about who's joining their family.

If you're a grownup (and if you're getting married, you should be one of these) and you don't want to invite people to your function, don't. That's it. Full stop. If