I can't show my character without it being a fairly large spoiler. Great game though, I've been obsessively digging through it's mechanics before starting a new game.
I can't show my character without it being a fairly large spoiler. Great game though, I've been obsessively digging through it's mechanics before starting a new game.
That's interesting stuff. I know two completely different families who both came to the U.S. from Laos, who don't even know each other, yet both of them have a group of three sisters who all took the name Kim. It's confusing to know six different Kim's.
What's the word on price?
I've always like the kid who says "Get candle in parappa palace. Go West." While you are at quite literally one square from the westernmost point on the entire map.
I'd say most people who have ever counted past 4 wouldn't consider it a very massive number
I'm honestly amazed that you think its massively multiplayer yet consider yourself well-informed.
You are correct, sir.
I'll pay a metal band to re-write the soundtrack, when it comes to sword and sorcery, sorcery wins.
How about the time he hardened the pharaoh's heart and tricked Egypt into having all their firstborn sons killed? Or the time he tricked Abraham into trying to kill his son? Or when Jonah thought he had free will and could escape but God ate him with a whale?
"God doesn't trick people, that's not how he rolls."
I've had Bone to Pick longer than I've had the internet.
December '61 my Dad wages light.
You don't purchase the content. If you did you'd be free to repackage and redistribute it.
Enough of this Witchcraft!
This story is most unusual since this was a game made specifically for men. As we know, the male and female brain are incompatible. No woman has ever been able to program a VCR just as no man has ever been able to fold laundry. The absolute and profound dissimilarity between how the two brains are composed, shaped,…
I pledged all I can pledge. Which, unfortunately, is NOT 10,000 dollars.
Rewarding students for learning *IS* conditioning them to enjoy learning. What mechanism are you suggesting could control a group of different and unique students to simply start to love learning intrinsically?
Good God! Turnabout Jazz Soul is awesome! How have I not heard of this before? It's so smooth I'm sliding right out of this chair. Where can I buy this album, I'll take 8!
Let me see some hustle out there!
Don't need any legal grounds to file a suit, the real question is does he even have legal representation who will waste their time on this?