
If a being a biological parent means you are financially obligated by that child, then women who legally abandon their child, have their child taken by CPS, or adopt out that child should all pay child support. If she doesn't want to or cannot pay child support, she should've got an abortion, she should have used Plan

You do know you aren't supposed to agree with their version of Ann Coulter, right?

Well, what do YOU do with them?

So if he turned around and beat you up he would cease being a wimp and you'd respect him?

Wanting some of the money that someone else makes off of your name and face is just so greedy and un-American.

Unless, of course, you find that a dull, consistent pain that continuously prevents you from making certain movements isn't preferable to the small amount caused by removing the knife that caused the injury. But according to your current line of thought it's better to just live with it.

Go for it, and remember if you ever get stabbed just leave the knife in. You'll heal around it eventually and the damage is done so there's no sense pulling the knife out when it would just cause more bleeding.

If I don't see it, then it doesn't exist. Problem solved.

Jackie Chan is an international treasure, man.

It's from BASEketball

Good headline reading comprehension, now start on the actual article.

That you would wish this individual on any woman is a true act of hatred.

The KKK have a hotline? For what?

If Gabe farts people will run the sound through a modulator until it sounds like a secret game announcement.

What you just said has so little basis in truth that it just made Scientology a valid religion by sheer comparative plausibility.

Meet me up in the waydah woom w-...Mega Man. When we find those enahgee weadings, we'll find Doctah Wahwee.

That's racist.

This comment has, in earnest, convinced me not to play Persona 4.

Disabled isn't a race.