
You see the kids, they listen to the rap, and that gives them the brain damage. So they don't know what video games are all about. You see video games are like Jello puddin', no, they're more like Kodak film, no, they're more like New Coke: they'll be around forever.

Yo, it's Captain off-the-Hook,

Was it Stephen Bowyer (Managing director), Phil Moore (Sales Director), and Jonathan Fellows (Chairman) that did this or employees of their chain? They were also the main sponser of the show?

Excellent read, although I as well have one point of contention as an anthropologist. When you say "a step backwards in (evolution)" you permeate the idea that evolution is always making things better or closer to some perfected form. This is not true. Evolution is only allele changes in a population over a period of

This article is both a well told story to muse upon and an excellent opportunity ban about a dozen comments.

Lord British is as much of a futurist as Iron Man.

My desktop is Win7 but my laptop has been Bootcamped with Snow Leopard and Windows XP for years, and XP functions in every way like you would expect from a windows machine. Ever since the Apple-Intel transition any iMac is an entirely compatible Windows machine, the only driver issue that I can think of that would

Right now, as I see on the Apple store, every iMac available exceeds recommended hardware for Skyrim, as do any of the Macbook Pro models that do not have Intel HD 3000 cards, those are integrated but the dedicated card options are more enough. The 2.5 GHz mac-mini would probably be fine enough as well but less so.

I wouldn't go quite as far as your last sentence but you have a good point that when the blogger says "they didn't know what they had here... missed a great opportunity... writers have a responsibility" he was completely unaware that he was talking about the very person who created the character.

When you have a narrative story it can easily be too long as it will drag out the plot, Elder Scrolls sort-of gets away from this by having separate faction missions with their own plots. The first Deus Ex is a game that gets slightly too long near the end and starts to drag, particularly after the super-freighter in

It makes more sense that the first several missions of Wings were really tutorials, teaching mechanics and units one by one at very small difficulties until the last few missions are really were the heart of the game lies.

Certainly gives his facial expression a new meaning.

Hope enough people still remember this classic.

Beat em' and Eat em'.. Brilliant work.

I started pasting the Wheelbarrow pic in a cornfield with the comments in a ditch next to a shovel but then I realized it's already Sunday and I should really finish all of what I've been putting off all weekend.

I don't think you should be too worried that they used 526 KB.

Not sure how you'd put an up-to-date healthbar on an iPhone that would be remotely useful.

You suggest government controlled mandatory genital surgery for all 12 year olds?

What do you do if you find someone pregnant without a license? Someone who was born without a license? You wouldn't be able to stop them before this point without cameras in every bedroom. Government is not capable or qualified to decide who has a right to reproduce.

Because enforcement of that law would be ridiculous, and it grants power over life itself to the government.