
I've said before many times that I'll be a Sex Cop, "APB on a 69 in progress". Of course I wouldnt be up for the forced euthanasia for people found to have been born without a license.

One thing that needs pointing out is that you don't own any software, including video games, in any capacity, but have a single, self-use, and terminable license to use the software as provided. So all authority regarding the redistribution of that license is in the hands of the actual owner, usually the publisher.

Unnecessarily Literal Reaction: You'd have to buy the chips second-hand, and I wouldn't want old, used cheese.

He should've said that more in Malcolm in the Middle, it'd be the best part of the show

Breaking News: Video depicts prison lifers as being rude, All Caps Blog that has "Goddamnit" in title dubs this politically incorrect.

You could activate everything with ATI, it's just not recommended.

After first playing Arkham Asylum on console I couldn't imagine it playing well with keyboard and mouse, but Rocksteady made it work very well. So much so that I prefer it for critical strike timing and one-button quick batarangs and batclaws.

I woulda learned to play the geetar, I shoulda learned to bang them drums. Instead I got to move these refrigerators and color TVs.

More worth it than Continuum Shift, and it was pretty great.

Preorder still says Nov. 8th.

Online spectator mode was in several builds but at the last minute it caused severe connection problems and had to be dropped, and the planned free DLC to add it got lost in transition. I'd be happy paying $40 just for characters, as its much cheaper than the original payment plan to have had them DLC.

Anyone consistently playing online since February is happy to spend only $40 for 12 characters and an overall overhaul, just as they did with Super Street Fighter 4 and Blazblue: Continuum Shift; both of which added less overall content than Ultimate Marvel is.

It's a slightly more powerful version of Magneto's Gravity Squeeze, but Magneto only needs 3 meter.

You truly don't know the difference between a beat-em'-up and a fighting game?

Now playing

Let us now decide democratically what the best Rocky montage is. I cast the first nomination here, but there's some fierce competition.

My biggest problem with Assault Horizon is it makes people call the other Ace Combats "sim-like" by comparison.

I like any game that's well-lit.

Just play Tatsunoko and imagine him changing about as much as Zero did.

What did you expect him to do?