I'm pretty lenient toward most changes everyone else hates,and I thought 3, 4, 5, and 6 were all great in their own ways, but for this one...
I'm pretty lenient toward most changes everyone else hates,and I thought 3, 4, 5, and 6 were all great in their own ways, but for this one...
The first time I used the internet I installed it from a floppy disk marked "The Internet".
I thought it was clear that what she "did not want" was to be made CEO and then turned into an evil computer.
I would like to see Kotaku run an interview and article about how DLC comes to be made and how much cut or unfinished content is usually shipped within a games programming, there seems to be a great deal of angered, ranting confusion on the matter.
Well it needed more Mark Hamill but I thought Privateer 2's cutscenes were pretty awesome, incidentally, my favorite Batman is Adam West.
Sound design as in ambient noise, dialogue timing, and the use of sound within the games atmosphere, not music composition. It's a shame Jesper Kyd and David Bateson are apparently not making a return, but I would hesitate to call any noise a "rip-off" because if you go down that road all music will end up equally…
Excellent sound design across the board, I hope in attaining this they didn't have to put every level as on-rails as this one.
Even in Link to the Past he was only left-handed 75% of the time, it's best to keep him as a coneptual link between the world and the player, any time Link starts getting his own personality we wind up with fan fiction, Link anime, or worse yet...
To me Ocarina of Time was a Zelda game, to you Ocarina of Time was THE Zelda game, but to M. Bison, it was Tuesday.
I've come from the future! You bought this game the day it came out one week ago.
I've always seen him for the last 20+ years as a reversible sprite, or can use whatever hand you equip the item to like Link's Awakening.
What's with the armpit shot? (number 3)
Could always go Freudian and say his mother potty-trained him too harshly. It's an explanation elegant in its simplicity.
Sense of scale, we've all stood 8 feet from the ground on a fence and know what that feels like, but few people get the chance to be 2 miles up with a straight drop and unlimited visibility.
Every time I see someone who believes everything on earth they don't like is Satan I immediately put 20 bucks on them being some type of hypocritical adulterer, old odd ends of holy writ does wonders for hiding a guilty conscience.
When will Japanese Idol worshipers learn that a girl who trades on all that purity merely wants your independence for her security?
I'm guessing it's a matter of having a large amount money coming in from several different countries makes it resemble a scam or laundering account, but the smallest amount of legwork would show PayPal that they are legitimate businesses. I suppose instead of PayPal doing any investigation whatsoever themselves, they…
BREAKING NEWS: Footage of the Arkham Ocean Surfing Competition leaked.
I've flown from Ontario, California to Ontario, Canada with a layover in Ontario, Oregon. Too bad I didn't also drop by Ontario Pennsylvania, Ontario Virginia, Ontario Ohio, Ontario New York, Ontario Iowa, Ontario Illinois, or Ontario Indiana on that same trip. If I did I'd order a hat from Texas, New York or Texas in…
So far this video of a mod and Crackdown 2 are the only things that have ever given me motion sickness.