A degree in computer science is technical prowess, playing videogames on a computer is not.
A degree in computer science is technical prowess, playing videogames on a computer is not.
Resident Evil: Multipass. The big badda boom begins.
Three monitors IS stupid.
I thought Grim Fandango would be a shoo-in.
But also pretty ambitious for the time it came out.
Obsidian made New Vegas, and most of their employees worked on the originals.
You think he booked himself on numerous, simultaneous domestic flights and is just pretending his card was stolen?
Don't forget Toad too.
Feathered Friend One, Individual of Vulpine Persuasion Two.
Hard to tell if games are killing primetime or soaps, mostly because TV has gotten terrible. It muffles up the statistics.
Insurance won't cover you unless there are overt signs of forced entry!?
I think the problem here is they didn't kick first. It is all in the mind after all.
My favorite Genesis monstrosity is to take a Sega Nomad, plug in a 32x, then a Game Genie, then Sonic and Knuckles, then Sonic 3.
@Jekku: Great game. I just re-picked it up last week to finish getting to level 99 with every accessory with both characters. Never felt like a grind either. Excellent music and atmosphere.
Could be that many playing MMOs were driven by a subconscious drive for more interpersonal connections and having cooperative activities to just happen across a potential romantic interest is more effective than looking at someone as a romantic interest frist and a person second.
@Eskintoro: And that baby was older than Kane and Lynch.
@Akubarix: Good thing you were at work when she came back. Without her to incriminate herself it'd be impossible to prove to a supervisor that you did warn her.