Agree to disagree on what? What should I have done differently here?
Agree to disagree on what? What should I have done differently here?
You didn't put any work into this article to explain why this use was bad.
There's absolutely no way they could mistake real g forces for a simulation.
I'm calling fake. Cool, but fake.
I am a teacher, and we do not watch live television. The last live TV in my classroom was on September 11th, 2001. There are no parties, "free days", food, gum, candy, or soda. Phones and earphones are out. We don't sit in a circle, talk about our feelings, hold hands, or sing Kumbaya. That is not why they pay me.
The fact that you repeatedly mention your PE license as if its an achievement only proves my point. And for the record I am 29.
This is Texas. We do execute people convicted of Capital Murder.
What was the take rate for the manual on the R8?
So, the new A3 is now retro cool? I guess they're talking 2007 A4 retro.
It doesn't make much sense. I rarely click on view discussion any more because it seems to act differently each time I do. Sometimes the discussion I was trying to look at disappears, sometimes that one comes up but half of the other discussions disappear. Its frustrating so I don't do it much. Going to be a sad…
Yup. I got hooked on Jalopnik because of 50% of the articles, 50% of the goofballs that post comments. This new system destroyed 50% of the reason I came here. I used to search google for the perfect goofball image or gif(or make my own in photoshop) or just come up with an original, funny, response to articles or…
I agree... Zac, you've beaten this horse enough already. The car is fine, but the ad is fantastic. For once, I actually want a Cadillac. And it's because this ad made me proud to be an American, not a Western European socialist suffering through 14% unemployment, constant bailouts and government run everything.
OK. Cast=/= forged. Think of a cake. You can pour the ingredients together and bake it, but without the extra step of mixing it, introducing the air, the texture is off and your cake sucks.
In the same way, forging distorts the crystalline structure of the metal, imparting specific properties. It's not about the…
So far, this is the only use for 3D printing I've seen that has excited me. First off Mori is involved, so that should guarantee a business plan and some serious thought into optimizing it and making it useful. Most importantly, by giving you the surface finish and accuracy (and maybe even strain hardening the…
You can print a rubber stamp with a 3D printer. CHECKMATE.
It's a comment on how many of these mean notes that go viral are hoaxes.
Can we just go ahead and skip to the part where we find out that this is yet another dumb internet hoax designed to stir up the usual slacktivist righteous indignation instead of waiting a week? I'd rather not have to read this story 37 times on facebook, it wasn't well done the first time.
David is obviously a sexist jerk
Pretty much anything Lincoln...especially when they try to compare themselves against Lexus.
"die cast silicone alloy components"