
That might be because the competition was a bit different 30 years ago.

Manual? No. DSG? No.

If the question is “Does the S4 still matter?” the answer is the same. No.

Why would I buy this car over any of the other 10 “luxo-performance sedans” on the market? They all have AWD, slushboxes, and turbos (and iPads glued to the dash for good measure).

YES, the Dodge Spirit R/T is totally rad.

No, what this really means is all the douchebag bandwagon Blackhawks fans aren’t hockey fans whatsoever.


From the same document, it describes the Automobile Adapter as such:

Wow that’s even more cryptic! They used the same verbiage describing the AC adapter port as well. Could this possibly be referring to say, an early police cruiser setup, where the “Automotive Adapter” was merely a mountable dock that used a 12V DC plug for its power adapter as well?

I’d think if this connector really

So I was thinking CA was for conditional access....but exactly what interface would it be using that was unique to this particular laptop? Since this is very much pre-USB is it not an RS232 hardware device? I cant think of any proprietary connection on this notebook that would require it rather than any other machine

Ok I’m old enough to have been a computer geek in the era of DOS and config.sys/autoexec.bat manipulation and have been a card carrying computer nerd for 25 years, so it surprises me to hear reference to a “CA card” I have never heard of

WTF is a CA card?

Uh “WASPy”?

The aesthetic you are bitching about is most certainly affiliated with a NE region dominated by Roman Catholics.

Sprag clutch FTW.

Well, that plus rotor inertia and low disc loading.


Man the 2.0 diesel would be a load of fun with a manual

Hey read the update in the story you linked to:

it’s shrouded in more secrecy than a new stealth jet

No S3 here either, after waiting like 3 years for it to come out. Same reason.

Preach, brother.

How do you accurately judge demand* for something that does not have existing competition? That’s the entire point of a niche; there’s smaller total demand but you capture 100% of it. See: Subaru (pre-2010).

It’s not like anyone else has made one and cant sell it. Shit, they wouldn’t even put a 6MT in the A3 or S3, and

Small luxury AWD performance sedan with a manual.

OK, so I am fine purchasing a CTO vehicle with a manual so dealers dont have to worry about lot inventory. I did that with my current Audi.

I bought a manual B8.5 new. So there.