
Subaru even dropped the manual from the Outback.


That was in the days before the term "clickbait". Yellow journalism sells, even in the 90s.

Bob Cox of the Star Telegram made a career out of trying to denigrate the V-22. His predecessor at the newspaper, Mark Thompson, won a Pulitzer for his crusade against the "DEADLY TEETERING ROTOR THAT WILL MAST BUMP YOU AND YOUR

The latter. It's actually more about manipulating the lift vector with enough bandwidth and response (via flapping) to make it controllable in hover.

Holy vignetting

You're preaching to the choir here. I always called out that Audi logic as total bullshit.

Ok, guy who has CLEARLY never driven a car with a CVT.

Audi claimed the margin from the number of anticipated sales didn't cover the cost of federalization for the drivetrain.

Yeah its such a waste! I got my A5 due to the transmission and because a similarly equipped S5 was out of my (wife-mandated) price range, but I am fairly sure I could have convinced her an RS5 with a stick was worth the $$$

No kidding, its precisely what killed the FBW UH60MU

One of these EC635s was shot down in December outside of Samarra

I love the S-70/UH60 as well and cut my engineering teeth working on it right out of college. One of the great workhorse rotary wing machines of the century. I was also at SAC when the S92 got traction. It was intended to be a real Blackhawk upgrade, but that most certainly is not what happened.

Re: V280 - keep

Maintenance on the Osprey has been a challenge primarily due to it being operated in some very inhospitable (sandy) environments, and the RR engines have been, frankly, shit.

That being said, a lot of the maintenance issues have been dramatically improved since fielding in 2007 and readiness rates are much higher now.

But yeah, for now it's all ring-routes and VIP missions.

I have never understood the argument that a tiltrotor is supposed to outperform dedicated platforms.

Merely getting a fighter-weight aircraft airborne quickly? Sure. But not at any gross weight and CG range for carrying useful loads.

What's wrong with tiltrotors in military use?

The tilt rotor will be slightly faster and have greater range than the S-97, but at a significantly higher cost.

Aerospace engineer and guy who designs tiltrotor rotor systems here.