

Sadly, the only transmission mentioned is a six-speed automatic. I hope a manual becomes an option too at some point.

Gross. Mercedes new design language is the vehicular embodiment of the word "frump" (built around a gigantic badge so we are all aware of just what the driver was able to afford the lease payments on from a distance)

C&D's WRX Reveal article for Jan 2014?

Agreed, the CLA looks like the vehicular incarnation of the word "Frump"

Everything looks better?

I think its more because subaru marketed with Mr Dundee for like a decade...

omg you're right! The bone line is divorced from the fender flare crease!

Post the rear Travis!

This bears repeating. Subonda! Hondaru! Subarondu?

Subonda? Hondaru?

Ohh its painted red, whoopee. Its still this lard-ass disappointment:

Using Carmax as proof of a given overpriced vehicle is a bit disingenuous

Except he can and will argue that the car was being used as a deadly weapon immediately beforehand?

When I saw him go straight into that mind was screaming "Noooooo!! I bet someone actually loves that car!"

Buy my coworkers car, he just listed it.

Any LED-clad late model:

Well, in all honesty I couldnt care less about the "sport truck" theme and more thought that this platform....IF ANY...would be the one to have a manual transmission in a half-ton. Thats all I wish they would offer. Im worried the upcoming new quarter ton 4-cylinder models will even eschew the stick.

Dear Toyota,