Chris Croy

There are several companies that sell cricket protein powder and protein bars, but at the moment they’re all much more expensive than other protein powders and bars.

GPU mining of Bitcoin is not viable, ASICs are just too efficient. GPU miners are throwing their cycles at other alt coins that haven’t had ASICs developed yet. You can make a couple dollars a day mining alt coins with a modern graphics card and depending on how you do it create an amazing tax headache for yourself.

Their performance here in St. Louis on July 4th a few years back was the weirdest musical performance of my life. Halfway through Jumper the drummer went off on a flashy solo. “Let’s hear it for [name]!” Then the rest of the band put their instruments down and walked off the stage while the drummer took it away. He

You really should have talked to more kratom users because you dramatically underestimate the risks. Kratom is an opiate agonist like any other and regular use will lead to physical dependence. An oxy addict who switches to kratom is still an addict, they just have a different dealer. A member of a board I’m on said

Yes, in Missouri being married to someone at the time of the offense is an affirmative defense for statutory rape. edit: Missouri’s age of consent is 14 if you’re under 21 and 17 if you’re over 21.

My mom was leaking amniotic fluid and was told she needed an emergency c-section. It was about 10 pm on June 30th and we were on MediCal, so if they operated immediately she would need to pay a deductible for June and then July. She asked the doctors to delay the surgery a few hours, they refused, so she checked

Just under 1 in 5 hospitals in the US are religiously-affiliated. Most of those are directly run by the Catholic Church. This usually only matters when abortion or end-of-life care comes up.

Also, hospitals don’t want to become targets of anti-abortion groups.

I live in St. Louis. Let’s say I wanted to visit Chicago next weekend, arriving Friday night (5/29) and returning Sunday (5/31). What are my options?
A. Fly. $348 round-trip, a little over an hour in flight each way.

Drinking Buddies was so awful it killed my crush on her. I unwittingly looked at the photos stolen from her iCloud (none of which were nude or racy) and she was so adorable in them that it reignited my crush. It was like wikileaks in that it was wrong and illegal for them to be leaked, but ended up showing that her

The decision itself (PDF) is worth skimming. A key point Youngs kept coming back to is that Missouri acknowledges as valid marriages between first cousins (weirdly it is still legal for first cousins to have -sex- in Missouri, just not marry), common law marriages, and underage marriages without the permission of

You're friends with David Bowie?

I agree about smoking with the exception of those that only smoke with an ecig. They're not giving themselves cancer, they don't smell awful, and they don't need to constantly go outside for smoke breaks.

Agreed. Liking the same music, movies, or television is a nice touch but totally unnecessary. The only time musical compatibility would be a deal breaker for me would be if they insisted on playing music on speakers at home that I actively dislike (metal, hip hop/R&B, most 'experimental music'), or if they were a

"You're on Planned Parenthood's mailing list too? I love you." said my friend Amy as she shoulder surfed my gmail. So when my local PP announced they would send a box of gourmet chocolates to someone in exchange for a donation, I instantly knew what to get her for Christmas. I agonized for a good half an hour over

Now playing

Loving cantalope is an almost universal cat trait. I know lions will fight each other for cantaloupe in zoos and my own cat will eat cantaloupe until she throws up.

This is completely absurd. Acetone is only used to extract pseudoephedrine from the pills and I believe the most popular method ("Shake 'n bake") can work with just ground up pills without any purification.

The fundamental problem is that going from pseudoephedrine to methamphetamine is very simple. I often used

When my mother was 9 months pregnant, she went to the hospital late in the evening because had fluid been leaking from her vagina. The doctors said she needed an emergency C-section. It was June 30th but because of the way her insurance worked she would have had to pay thousands of dollars more if they operated

You can already buy coasters that test for this which are far more usable than special cups or straws. In any case, buyer beware: These and any similar devices might count as drug paraphernalia in some states (but not under federal law). Take my state's laws as an example.