
I personally think Diaz has a mental illness.

Jesus Diaz's posts are all about hate. I have no idea why he hates china that much

I'd much rather read this than another Jesus Diaz useless and ridiculous hate rant.

Sorry, no. Despite the fact that the United States and Europe have certainly been very interventionist (and often criminally so) in many parts of the Arab World, Egypt is not a good example of that. It is a country that has been politically independent for over 90 years, and has never been invaded or occupied by the

I am American and although I do not like the actions of the Japanese during World War 2 I do believe there is value in lessons learned by watching footage of the events that took place during that time.

totally off topic... For reasons that I do not understand, I have been making/finding pictures of primates that resemble all our favorite Giz writers. This morning I searched around and then made this of you Ashley. Um, no thanks necessary.

Man, we couldn't even get one good comment in before we get a self righteous, "I'm too good for TV" comment.

True. Gigabitspeed! Then government improvement on security +$10b. Just imagine this, a spy coming into our country, taking our files lightspeed, then leaving. That would be horrible. Then +$10b for security neighborhood watch. + +$10b for physical foreign security. +$5b for cameras everywhere in usa covering 1000

A microwave oven actually has a faraday cage inside of it. This is needed to prevent the electromagnetic waves used to heat up the food inside from leaking out of the oven. If I were snowden, and I didn't have a cocktail shaker, I'd use a microwave.

"Hey, could you be careful with that pen? I don't want to get any ink on my arm."

Chinese for "Chicken Soup Lover"

They left a bullet shell in the rental car that was rented in his name?

Are you new to deadspin? perhaps from one of the other sites that takes everything super seriously?

Do they make dinosaurs?

I just use shorter people.

The Face of a man who knows his race is screwed because of Perez Hilton.

The one I hate is when they ask you to round up your purchase to the next dollar for some charity or other. They did a story about one very large grocery store chain and found out the store was getting 90% of the donation. So they ask you to round up and you decline and look like an asshole who doesn't support

My wallet already has an eject button on it, basically.

Her thesis advisor:

I'm not an expert but I thought the screen needed to be higher to avoid neck trouble. Either way, I love this hack for its cost effectiveness.