
Lip lick —> pepper spray.

Suave literally costs $2 and is perfectly fine. Sorry we're not fancy enough for you!

Oppression olympics, cissplaining... you're just trying to hit all the obnoxiousness marks, aren't you?

Silly costumes, imperial wizards, and warring factions... are we sure the KKK isn't just redneck LARPing with black people playing the part of orcs?

Banning the word "feminist" is about free speech, Anna.


I've been hardened by life, Trout. Don't ruin that with your sunny optimism!

You know, it's interesting: Men's Rights Activists always complain that feminists ignore problems facing men. And then when a feminist addresses a problem that harms men, as Anita is doing right here, they attack her for it.

Or a man saying, "I was curious if I could care about access to contraceptives on some fundamental level, and I couldn't."

I agree with corgis. I don't like you anymore. We're fighting.

We can't be friends anymore with that list.

the borscht at veselka is delicious and you are terrible


Oh man. That is a big deal.

I think my husband would if it were genuinely an option. The thing is, I work from home and am self-employed, so logistically it would make no sense. I've pointed that out to him and he agrees that my concerns aren't baseless. I'm starting to get really worried about us. We have a great relationship, and he says that

Then you'd understand why it's more than "sticking up for yourself." Why there are a lot of factors at play here that you don't know shit about. How are we still blaming this woman for what has happened to her?

Try looking up the Twitter hashtag #WhyIStayed

And nice job trying to redeem yourself by adding that second sentence paragraph.

Ceci n'est pas une Governor.

When fat-free mayo first came out, a friend who was working as a grocery checker reported that some lady came through her line with a cart completely full of said mayo, and nothing but said mayo. When my friend told her the total, the lady flipped out guessed it, she thought it was "free" mayo. She