Mysteries of life: Why do Subways internationally have the exact same smell?
Mysteries of life: Why do Subways internationally have the exact same smell?
I just googled Cincinnati chili.....
Heavy breathing.
Not in America, #sorrynotsorry
Okay. I have serious issues with the following things in SALAD FOR CHRISSAKES:
Pshh. Americans ;)
Thou shalt seize free condiments.
I see the logic in this. Of course, this puts certain items of food, like avocados and nuts, in a very precarious place...
I was wondering how she was planning to pay for the fat? Like, if the fat was free - how do you discount the fat price from the total price?
This recently happened to me in an inner-city McDonald's drive thru in London. There was a long queue and he was looking for sole women (or so I presume) and stood outside my window masturbating. I complained when I got to the pay window and I was told by a dude that 'yeah, he comes around - you can just roll up your…
It is true - court dress is not worn any longer for your run-of-the-mill court case any more. At the equivalent of county court, it is not necessary any more.
It's what is done over here (UK) as well. A CEO once remarked when I was wearing a pant suit, "Well - that's awfully modern of you!"
That is really beautiful...! I am going to look into Cavafy...
I have an (almost) irrational and profound dislike of WCW.
Wait. What? I take Yaz! I am prescribed Yaz. :O Am I dying?!
Good on you!
In theory I agree with you - purely on an individual level I am empathetic of people's circumstances. But I'm not sure how to fight 'a system' without having women present that are lobbying for changes.
Even if I accept your argument that we exist in an economy which is inherently patriarchal, where I struggle is taking this idea and applying it to the lives of real women. I feel that arguing that, largely, it is okay if women opt out because they are opting out of a flawed system is giving a carte blanche for women…