
I would agree... but (you saw that one coming, eh? :))

Oh Swiffer, you know me so well. I love to clean, and make dinner and when I sing little yellow birdies land on my finger and the little woodland creatures actually help me with my housework. Life sure is grand...

What?! Reading always makes me "give child birth"

You know, I was kind of thinking about this just this morning. I saw a girl at the gas station filling up her car in pajama pants and, since I was on my way to work, felt a stab of jealousy (wish I could be going where she's going today).


Sweet mother of pearl! I miss Jimmy, Spinner, Emma and Manny too much. The show is dead to me now.

My good friend, Google, tells me that Ms. Wilson is a model and aspiring actress. Would it be terribly cynical of me to think that she's probably the one shopping it around? I mean, other than becoming famous/infamous, is there a reason to date Joe Francis? I can't think of one... unless you really enjoy bleach baths.

Two Questions:

My mom isn't the only one who wonders around bottom-less! Huzzah!

No! Jennifer Love Hewitt, you marry Pres-Stone.

I love older actresses (and actors) who have gotten to the point where money isn't the object and it's just things they want to do because they can and they are awesome. Maggie Smith, Kathy Bates, Sigourney Weaver, Meryl Streep- sometimes the shows/movies they are in are awful *but* they make it better.

*Gasp* how did I not know how stunning Finland is?

You're also far less likely to die during childbirth. They have 5 maternal deaths for every 100k- the US? 21 for every 100k (the same as Iran). (world health org)

I just think it's cute. They publicly committed to their love- in the place that they fell in love.

Well, I'm in my thirties, but if you change ice cream to good wine- you got a deal :)


Perhaps we should hand out dictionaries?

Nope. Nope. Nope. Dan Connor is my (second) father- you can't marry him! That's idea makes me feel funny inside :(

Random alternative: Move somewhere where it's dark a lot.

@ Erin- This is the conlussion.! (Feminist Clem Burke)