To this day any time someone mentions Glenn Beck doing something I have to ask if it was before or after he allegedly raped and murdered a young girl in 1990. The truth is out there, people! Why won't he talk about it?
To this day any time someone mentions Glenn Beck doing something I have to ask if it was before or after he allegedly raped and murdered a young girl in 1990. The truth is out there, people! Why won't he talk about it?
I can't believe you didn't bring up Santorum.
I think everybody should now respond to Joe with pictures of virtual penises. I would, but I'm not going to google image search that on my work computer.
Our troll visitors seem really upset that a man was stopped from exercising his right to rape by some white knight beta mangina.
Well, the best game I've ever played this year is still Far Cry 4. I can't figure out why Far Cry 3's Vaas is so well-loved, sure he's well acted, but IMO the character is too vague and is a classic example of style over substance.
Nothing tragic about a child who grows up motherless and has to at some point understand that he accidentally murdered his mother?
u again? cheers!
I am so glad that you had a wonderful wedding, but there are plenty of women who don't want to get married, or don't want a wedding, or find joy in other things. There are also plenty of people who find nothing but pain and suffering in marriage. What works for you doesn't work for everyone, and pitying other women…
I think it gives a better sense of closure to that chapter of her life by the artistic expression. I think she should be afforded the chance to be selfish in this case: her life has changed. Let her be!
I'm all for allowing delusional ramblings to be read, if only so people can see for themselves why they're delusional. Freedom to read only the things you agree with is not freedom at all.
1. no
Sorry, are you saying killing this guy would be a bad thing?
It's not available in my country. So, yes, I'm torrenting it.
I sincerely doubt that there was any ranch dressing in that kitchen to be had.
Can a woman objectify herself? Is that feminist?
"New, exciting characters".
It's not censorship. This is the equivalent of not stocking a book in your bookstore because it advocates Nazi behaviour or something. It's their store, they can do what they want, it's not like the game is being pulled from the internet or actually censored at all.
There is no censorship involved here. No one is stopping people from developing Hatred, and nothing is stopping you from playing it if you really want to. You're just not going to be able to do it on Steam.
Steam is not the government, nor does it control all distribution channels for PC games. The creators of Hatred are free to continue developing their game, but Valve is under no obligation to carry it.