
Philip K. Dick quietly enters the coffee shop, looking nervously over his shoulder, flinching as a small bird lands on the decorative shrubbery outside the building, expecting to finally catch a glimpse of the man he is sure has been stalking him for weeks. He still hasn't once seen any evidence of this hidden

Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas.

So ignore the threats and such? Wow, that's a great idea. That'll take care of things SO well.

I loved how in the last episode, when asked if the baby was his, Tyrese said said, no, she was a friend. Not his friend's baby, but his friend. So damn sweet.

Research disagrees with you.

Here's the thing.

He looks like a homeless man with a cat on his head.

Yeah, that's a pretty shitty comparison. One is a religion that wasn't founded on violence, the other is a group founded on the sole principle that women are horrible and should be vilified.

You're literally commenting on an article about how women are still being chased from their homes by gaters today. And you're pretending that's in the past? That the "movement" has "evolved"?

What the fuck is wrong with you people.

Fuck gaters.

Little square, you're the one whose crying by believing YouTube and gaming's version of Rush Limbaugh.

Sorry, as a *real* man, I'm going to believe the girl who created the kick ass game I'm playing on my 6Plus instead of you MRA/Gamergate little bitches that cry and get psychopathic about everything because you all have no "game" (pun intended) with ladies.

Except when they post your physical address online along with the death threats. Don't act like people should have thicker skins, that's more than fucked up enough for me to leave my home.

...except it initially started as an attack on Zoe Quinn, and not the publication entire—but, shit, facts. Who cares about those in the face of infantile emotional distress?

Okay, seriously. What in the actual fuck, folks?

I teach English at the college level; last year, I was privileged to teach ENG 230, which at my institution is a rotating (through the faculty) course that is generously labeled "Special Topics in Literature."

I taught my course, for two semesters, as "Gaming: Literary

Gotta say, I'm looking forward to the Pact 2. The first one caught me off guard. It was subtly spooky, and not much gets to me in terms of horror scares, these days. It was also one of those films I ended up liking better, in retrospect, the more I thought about it.

I had to look it up on Wikipedia to get a "meaning", but simply from watching it I could tell it had something to do with Japanese culture.

It lost me at the Japanese fart story.

It's funny how Bolivar gets to keep his long goth hair, even though it's a wig. Apparently even as an animalistic vamp he's vain enough to wear it for some reason. But bloody hell, the sheer stupidity of the protagonists and authorities makes this show a real strain to watch.