
Hi there!

My suggestion is Word Freak by Stefan Fatsis. It’s non fiction all about the competitive Scrabble and the people who compete, and it’s surprisingly addictive.

Yep. The hate he got is pathetic (internet mob mentality usually is), but the joke was a few decades old before he ever got round to telling it to begin with.

I was with a guy that had RACHEL FOREVER in huge lettering “thug life” style on his belly/lower abdomen. Not only did he and Rachel obviously not work out, but it was so jarring on his Dadbod and looked totally out of place.

Ok but what about that Pedobear on his arm though

This just makes it even more hilarious to me

If teenagers today are anything like they were when I was that age (and they probably are) this won’t take off.

I have that style hat too! Bought it thinking I’d look fabulously old fashioned and willowy, never worn it because I also feel ridiculous. Doesn’t help that I bought the hat with images of Italian sunsets in mind, and I actually live next to an old people’s home in a city that people only hear about when an immigrant

Hi there! I’m actually booked in with a nurse tomorrow but seeing as this article popped up thought I would ask...

“Of course you can’t rape your wife - she’s your property! Do you buy a chair and then get told you can’t sit in it?”

I can’t believe you lot are having a conversation about this thing - Googled it, never seen it in my life.

See, I have my copy of A Handmaid’s Tale that I first got when I was 16. I had it throughout my A Levels and Degree, and while I have a nicer copy now I’ll never give up that old one. There’s plenty of crap in my house that will go to a landfill when I die, and that book will no doubt be one them - but that book was a

I never get this whole thing of books being sacred, and shouldn’t be sullied in any way. If you’re not outright destroying them as an act of censorship/protest (which these kids weren’t doing - they were essentially used notebooks), you’re not desecrating anything. Some of my books have shopping lists/to do notes in

My Mum always sunbathed either topless or in the nude, public beaches and all. She won’t mind me telling you that she’s not some model type either - she just didn’t give a shit, including at home. I always admired her boldness, even when I was a teenager and it should have been embarrassing.

I’m uncultured and would always leave any garnish/salad leaves that weren’t expressly ordered by me in case I was eating something I shouldn’t. Then I thought, fuck it, if it’s on my plate it probably won’t kill me, so I give everything a shot. Not sure if I’ve had lotus leaves (very uncultured - don’t know what they

I know I’m late and in the greys, but I’m posting this in a few places to see if I can get any help:

I want a card that says “Happy Fathers Day! Thanks for paying child maintenance - it really was the least you could do.”

I picked it up on Black Friday on Amazon. I’m pretty sure they have other designs too, but I liked the tank best. :)