
There are people I stay friends with on Facebook purely because the fights they have with their partners on there are amazing. The shit people come out with on a public forum is baffling. I imagine this would also be entertaining as hell (providing they weren't also trashing your car).

It's got much better chances than simply sticking them in prison would do. Prison won't help them at all. Put them in there at such a young age and I doubt either will go on to be a decent member of society. But a proper facility where they receive psychological treatment could help.

(Copy and pasted from the site):

It's part of a "Taste of America" range. Just looked it up out of curiosity and we've got Texas, Chicago, Nevada, NY, Memphis and Louisiana themed burgers. Very strange that the US doesn't get them though.

Wait... the US doesn't have a Texas BBQ sandwich? I'm sure they are marketed here as a "taste of the US" range (there's a few - I'm sure there's a Chicago burger and a Louisiana chicken burger too). Odd that there's no such thing in America then.

They all look so young! Are all pro gamers on the young side? Never got into esports/pro gaming but for some reason I imagined there would be a mix of ages in the contestants.

Oh wow seeing the original cast do it would be amazing. I saw it a few years ago in Cambridge - completely different cast but was fantastic. One of those shows where the whole audience is dressed up which made going for drinks afterwards extra fun. :)

It doesn't surprise me at all that this was his attitude. It reminds me a lot of the people I've met that call themselves "brutally honest". They're just rude arseholes that try to blame others for not putting up with their dickish behaviour. And just like in real life, these people eventually get avoided and shunned

I'd like to add if you ever get the chance to see it live - DO IT. Brilliant fun.

If a company is looking to do well it would behoove them to listen to their customers. If you're fine with companies putting out the same old shit year after year go ahead - some of us happen to like progress and innovation. I'm not talking about sending devs death threats or anything ridiculous like that, but this


That's fair enough, but while they keep trying to dodge I think it's perfectly reasonable that we keep on trying to get them to make a decision and put them on the spot. It might not work straight away, but it shows that the consumers aren't the ones holding progression back - it's them. We aren't afraid of The Gays

Very true. Nintendo has shown themselves to be quite backwards more than once. I wouldn't know about Japanese culture, but if these comments are anything to go by it could go either way - some people are saying it can be quite progressive. But like you say, Nintendo has shown them to be anything but in the past.

I would say the positives far outweigh the negatives. It gets more gamers involved, it's great PR (it's getting you press after all, and there are plenty of people who will rally behind a company that supports gay rights - just see any Million Moms debacle). The last thing any company needs is to be seen as being on

When I was a teenager it was the done thing to buy cheap clothes and rip/sew them up differently (because fuck conforming yo), so practically everyone had some sewing skills. We all looked like shit, obviously, but I'm sure none of us as adults are bothered by a popped button or taking in a pair of trousers. So weird

• Degrees in medicine, finance and culinary arts necessary

Old people look cool. I hope I grow up to look like a witchy old crone, all pruny and shrivelled and ideally with long white hair. In my dream of old age I want to be the weird old lady that lives on the outskirts and kids tell ghost stories about me. There was a poem written about Ms Havisham that said "I've... ropes

I feel that way about big public proposals. Whenever a video like that makes the rounds on here I'm usually the first to get a bit glassy eyed, but I'd be mortified if I was proposed to like that.

Not the game you're thinking of I think but there's a possess animals skill in Dishonored too.

At the moment I'm building a village of all the houses I can build from memory - either my own homes or those of friends/family, or holiday villas. Quite interesting seeing buildings varying in ages and styles all plonked next to each other. :)