
No... there's a difference between those who are arguing a point and those who argue for the sake of some kind of promise of sex - which is in the incredible minority.

No, it's not. I don't think you really understand what segregation means. Take a few classes to really understand what persecution really means and what segregation means in the real world before you start relating it to the right to groping women on trains.

Yeah well I was really holding out for the Knife of Dunwall DLC. I'm not fussed with the other stuff but I've heard this is good and really adds to the story. I might get it on steam (if my PC can handle it) just to try to get used to the keyboard & mouse a bit more. If you can recommend any games which are likely

I play a few games on steam with my puny laptop but this was a 360 purchase title for me. Is it really not worth it then?

I'm not in the USA so I don't know how things work, but is there any way for you or someone else to set up a petition or something for the guy? If I met him on a random forum I'd probably not think too much of him but to lock him up for what he said is ridiculous. He doesn't deserve this. Anyone with half a brain can

There's a difference between weblebrites (or "personalities", or whatever is the name for them nowadays) and their fans and the average person stating their opinion on the internet. The average person expressing their opinion is not a white knight - quite frankly, neither is a person doing it because they admire the

The idea that anyone is a "white knight" - someone who is just out for that fabled internet pussy is just silly. I mean really. Who is going out on forums and the like looking to get real-life laid? Do you honestly believe that's a thing that happens? Isn't it more likely that people are just sharing their opinion on

This reminds me I have some points going spare and I haven't played the Dishonored DLC yet. Guess what I'm doing this weekend!

Typecasting must suck, but I don't see anything wrong with her voicing her criticism if she thinks there's been some bad journalism going on. Didn't realise she was taking it as far as calling it libel or going to court though.

I think the point is that if they had portrayed her accurately and then she'd gotten criticism, that would be one thing. But they portrayed her as someone aspiring to be a living doll, and she's not. The criticism here comes from the model herself (and her fanpage) for the shoddy journalism.

Oh, come off it. Do you actually believe there are men out there who think that taking one side or the other on the internet will actually get them laid? What do you think we do - trace them and turn up at their front door with our knickers round our ankles?

I suppose it is just that - if that was the best there was, you enjoyed it (and worked to make it better). And I probably would have found it hilarious to change words to "fart" at that age too. But still, this Weird Pauls' reactions to his old games are funny as hell. How far we have come!

I'm going to pick it up pretty soon. I've never read a Deadpool comic, but I figured I liked Lollipop Chainsaw because it was funny and silly and this game seems like it's in the same thread. I don't expect to come away from it having an "experience" but it looks like it will go down well with a few beers on the

"Oh cool, a screwed up piano!"

I see what you mean, but "human doll" in this respect has (slightly) different connotations. She's not trying to be a Barbie, or an anime character or a Lolita.

A quick Google search turned up a few shelters for men escaping domestic abuse in England and Canada. There are likely less shelters as if what you say is correct (that women are more likely to be abusers than abused, which honestly I doubt), then it's because men feel stigmatised and don't come forward, which is a

I protest the mentality that leads to enough (not all, obviously) men thinking it's perfectly fine to sexually assault a woman that there's even a need for PSAs and women only carriages - but there you go. The world isn't a perfect place, and we have to make do.

I agree with PixelSnader - it's about the personalities playing the game. I watch a lot of Achievement Hunter videos, and their videos on Minecraft and GTA IV are hilarious to me. Particularly with Minecraft, they type of things they get up to is something I would never get around to doing in the game (they have had a

It's only really segregation if women are forced to go into a separate carriage. No one is being punished - just like men aren't being punished for not being allowed in the ladies' toilets.

Agreed. I'll happily judge the fuck out of those parents too, but I don't think the kids should be taken away from them or anything like that.