
I’ve been TOLD it can be true to some degree with avian flu (or anyway, that’s what the doctor said when I got my last shot for it), but maybe Raskos1 knows better than I do.

I’d suspect keeping up with all available flu (human and avian) vaccines would be very helpful. From what I’ve been told, it’s possible for them to provide some protection from strains that are different than, but similar to, the one you’ve been vaccinated for.

He sounds like Aziz Ansari.

Little-known fact: Humming the Internationale puts babies out like a light. I have no idea why, but it often works in under a minute. I tried it randomly once and have used it ever since. Thanks, Communists!

He really stressed it when he promoted himself. I remember when The Broken Cord came out. I read it, and as I remember he talks extensively about himself being Native American, wanting to help the Native American community, etc.

This whole controversy is so much like the one with Michael Dorris that I’m surprised it wasn’t mentioned in the article.

Nope. She was just informed on set. She knew there would be a sex scene but she didn’t know about the explicitness or the use of the butter, which the two men had just thought up that morning.

It’s extra gross because she’s so baby-faced. She could be like fourteen. She really looks like a young kid playing with make-up in it. I’m pretty open to weird or explicit films, but this disgusted me so much I had to turn it off pretty fast.

She knew there was going to be a sex scene, but how explicit it was, plus the butter thing, was not presented to her until they were on set. Brando and Bertolucci had thought of it over breakfast that day and were super gung-ho about it. They never thought to ask her if she wanted to do it, and it never dawned on

But this scene cast a shadow over her life and career. She was known for it until she died and couldn’t get offered roles in normal, non-exploitative movies. It kind of ruined her life.

I’ve read an article about this before because I was freaked out by Last Tango and couldn’t watch it — Maria Schneider is so baby-faced in it that it disgusted me too much — she looks about 14. In it, she said that she was just informed that day what exactly was going to be done, and being so young she had no idea

I didn’t know that! In one of the interviews I saw, Mark said his father was a genius, but not at life — he was smart but couldn’t get along with people or cope with things. He also said his father beat his mother, and as I remember he may have talked about him having a drinking problem too.

If they wanted to be petty, Hillary’s people could invite Obama’s other half-brother Mark, who is a really well-adjusted guy, owns a computer related company in southern China and volunteers teaching piano at an orphanage. I’ve seen him interviewed a few times. He’s seems nice, just does his own thing, and keeps a

It was her fetal twin!

Well, Alfred Jarry of Ubu Roi fame lived in a crawl space. But then again, that was after he became a down-and-out alcoholic.

Yes! From Birdemic!

Maybe he still has one of the older generation ID cards and has avoided changing over to the new one with the chip? That’s my guess.

I remember him saying that when he flies to the US his luggage is checked in by and registered to an assistant with a more Hindu-sounding name because that’s the only way to get his things in a timely way. If they see a Muslim name on the tag the suitcase gets flagged for so much extra screening it doesn’t even wind

Or, you could get vomited on and then robbed on the way to the hotel, like Shi Dongping and the journalist who was with him.

United’s in-flight entertainment doesn’t even have subtitling on English-language films. That means if you can’t hear well, it’s impossible to watch most of the movies they show. I’ve had to give up and just search for any foreign movie that seems interesting. I wrote to them about this, raising it as a disability