
Sorry — can you change the headline to “get bitten,” unless the grammatical error is a deliberate stylistic choice?

Good! I had to pay like $700 dollars with them three years ago when moving my cat to Hong Kong (as opposed to the 180 dollars I’d paid them the previous time), and then the rude, barely literate woman who worked at their Indianapolis center drilled holes in my cat’s carrier with a power drill WHILE THE CAT WAS

What about Chris Marker’s The Jetty? That has the most amazing ending I’ve ever seen, one that I never saw coming. It’s a great film that packs a punch in just thirty or so minutes. It’s also the inspiration for Twelve Monkeys, so it should get double credit for that.

Somebody was telling me they were diagnosed with HPV before becoming sexually active. According to their doctor, it’s not unusual for people who work in banks to contract STDs because they spend so much time handling money, which is usually covered in germs/bacteria/viruses, etc. Is there any truth in this?

Really? I only consume between one and a half and two liters of water per day. Does the amount to excrete come close to the amount you take in? I’d have thought a lot of it is used in natural processes or comes out when you exhale.

I think you could jerry-rig a useful chamber pot with just a few items — a largish pot with secure lid, plus some cat litter and baking soda to keep the smell down. That’s how I’d plan to deal with human waste.

Living in an apartment would have advantages, though, if you didn’t live too high up. If you have a good strong door (or double-doors) you’ll be less vulnerable to attack by looters than somebody in a house, and having apartments on either side and on top of you would block some radiation.

When I took a filmmaking class in the early 90's our teacher actually told us not to mix black and white actors in one scene because we wouldn’t be able to light them both properly!

There’s third option that I think is very good, and that my friends have had success with: Cock-blocking. Get somebody, whether a friend, classmate (other people have probably noticed the professor’s creepiness toward you) or (fake or real) boyfriend to be by your side during interactions with him. Make it clear

Or for any instructor with a student of any sex. You do get people who accuse you of all sorts of things — that you were insulting, discriminatory, inappropriate, etc. It’s a lot easier to avoid those accusations or substantiate that you haven’t done them if you’ve never in a closed room alone with a student.

I’ve started to dress more formally/conventionally to avoid getting pulled out for extra searches all the time. It happened again and again, and then a friend told me about a conversation she had with a TSA person. It turns out there’s a “profile” for female drug mule — it’s over 30, no husband or children, wearing

The last couple times I’ve been in the US, I’ve seen adults (girls in late teens and twenties) wearing pajamas in airport security lines. I was like, “?!?”

One movie that’s not here is Peter Watkins’ The War Game.  I actually feel guilty mentioning it because it was so traumatic to watch. In fact, I’d say DON’T watch it because it’s too upsetting. It was made for like 40 or 60 thousand pounds by the BBC, then not shown because it was too upsetting. They released it

So they think they’re the “master race” and yet they need four+ guys to beat up one young man? Hmmmmm ...

The “cosmopolitan” thing is terrifying. “Cosmopolitan” and “cosmopolitinist” was what the Nazis called Jews before they got enough power to be able to be openly anti-Semitic. Couple that with the old claim they made that the Jews controlled the press ... basically Miller is quoting Nazi propaganda.

Or “Do you have a partner?” I feel like it means the person thinks you’re some sort of weird loner, and they’re making a last ditch effort to find out if you’re normal.

For the record, a lot of Chinese people have been trying to get this festival shut down too. They’ve even gone to the government (I forget if it was the national or provincial one) to have it ended, but the problem was that the government did not have the authority to regulate festivals or food at the local level.

However, a lot of the dogs he “rescued” died because he left them with Buddhist organizations that allowed them to die of illness or starvation because they believe that was what would fulfill the dogs’ karma ... So that’s a shame, because while I don’t support the festival in any way, they suffered more and for

He’s a doctor. He had patients to see.

Plus I’d suspect that people are healthier now than they were in 1918. How many people who died of the Spanish Flu were weakened because they’d been living under wartime conditions, had TB, were malnourished, etc.?