
As long as they let someone competent write and direct the movie version of this:

Too many little boys far too young for the game's rating.

Sounds like you are watching a different video.

That's disgusting!

Yeah, there were a ton of people posting that on FB with the title "amazing DUI stop." Maybe Reno 911 wasn't as popular as I thought but I couldn't believe how many people reposted it.

So because they shamed some folks whose ONLY complaint was gender, they can't ever look at someone's announcing quality? That makes no sense.

So the lack of bass makes you incapable of listening to content? You may have a brain tumour!

You'd think if any fans were going to accept more than one woman on the job, it would be the BYU faithful.

Do gay men really objectify straight women more than straight women objectify gay men?

This is a good point. I lived in Manhattan for years and now live in Westchester County, and I have female friends here that lament the fact that they have no gay male friends because it would be "so fun!".

Gay men can be incredibly misogynistic, but straight women often treat them like little accessories. Talking about a gay privilege in this context seems disingenuous unless you're referring to the way gay cis voices dominate the LGBT discussion.

Siiiigh you're doing it all wrong. Go to Wendy's, order a large fries and a large frosty. You'll never, ever be able to go back to ketchup. Ever.


This is a man. A man and his truck. A man, his truck and a fire. A man, his truck, a fire, and a recall notice. Chevy, find new roads.

Cinna wants to come (a rescue, but her entire litter was in high demand for good reason):

I don't think it was taking offence, so much as "that's dumb". Which it kinda was.

That's unfortunate. I've never had such an experience with Wendy's. My stuff has always come to me pretty well (though still clearly fast food).