
It is hard to describe. I love you are limited to only 7 active skills. That is it. Also only 7 passive skills can be active. It makes you really think about your build. Very adventure game like with the puzzles that you solve as you play. Game has an in-game browser for research to solve some of them. I am a big fan

I was just going to post the same thing. Like someone at BioWare called and threatened them

Bah! I was excited for Red Tails: The Game

I could see a Kenneth Branagh version not being good. Of all the latest films, Thor is my least favorite. How do you get a guy who did Hamlet and Much ado about Nothing to do a super hero movie?

I am glad to see you admitting Ruffalo was better. I saw a sneak screening, and when I voiced that opinion I was blasphemous. Now that people have seen the film, more and more are agreeing with me.

Not sure if you are trolling for comments. If not, you are one of a few who don't like Firefly. Hell, even my wife liked it once I got her to sit down and watch it.

"WOW. Senseless violence in rag head's start's early, huh..."

The movie is amazing. It is easily the best super hero movie I have ever seen. It is detailed enough to keep every comic book fan happy, while at the same time appeal to people like my wife who has no clue about Avengers storylines. Joss Whedon mixes in action and random sarcastic humor to keep all ages laughing and

It is well worth a midnight viewing. And I am in my 30's, and totally geeked out during the flick.

There is no way Norton would be able to pull of geeky super genius on screen with Robert Downey Jr. doing the same as Stark. Banner and Stark totally science geeking out on screen is hilarious.

The movie is 2.5 hours of nothing but comic book action. You will be very happy with it. Not a single dull moment in the movie.

When you see it, you will understand why they went with Ruffalo. I liked Norton, but Ruffalo was the PERFECT Banner in this movie.

I saw the movie last Saturday, and at this point in the movie some girl just yelled out "NOOOOOOO!"

That is great, but games are NOT one of the things it should be good at. Collecting dust it is amazing at. Not even the little kids at my house will use the Kinect.

Yeah, ACDarkKnight, you should try other awesome Kinect games like Tiger Woods 2012 and Star Wars Kinect. They truly show the power that is the Kinect.

I am right there with you.

Great they are addressing the concerns of the community. Now lets get to work on allowing PS3 owners to participate in the next community event, overcoming the "technical limitations" of the console.

I think I will have to buy a PS3 and PC copy. I want to continue my storyline on the PC, but most of my friends don't have good enough rigs to run it, and will be playing on the console.

That video was awesome....

Atlus. Every game they make is excellent.