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This was the storyline when Disney Hollywood Studios hosted "Last Tour to Endor" during the last Celebration. They turned the Indiana Jones show into "Raiders of the lost Jedi temple of doom". Star Wars characters kept calling Indy Han and other cross over jokes. Skip to 15 mins to see start of show.

Ha! That picture is the GameStop I go to! Technically the Boynton Mall location is across the street, and very ghetto.

Snakes on a Plane

Adam Sandler and Candyland is green lighted also

And I just found myself squinting to read the bottom lines

I did my part and Tweeted this douchenozzle

KOTOR had Rakghouls before any of these modern day zombie games hit the market. Being a KOTOR fan, I am excited about this update!

I think you mean iPod Touch, not iPad Touch

Last time I looked, to get it 1 week early you had to get the 3G bundle. Any word if that changed?

I have seen some horrible stuff during my service. I have watched smart bomb footage with flight crews, and as it closes in on a target you see people clearly visible with no clue what was about to happen. I have also seen human targets hit by a Spectre gun ship. And it sounds cold, but shit happens in war. Does it

At first I could not understand why this guy is all over the place and telling stories of war, but now I see he is selling a book.

Tatooine just sucks. I powered through my class quest just to get off that crappy planet. It is not just you.

They should of used Webcrawler

Oh, that is funny. It is still linked, so any tweets the new owner gets shows right up on their site.

I got no game stuff for Christmas, but I did get a Big Green Egg

He also deleted the tweet calling Scott Lowe from IGN a douchebag

I just read the whole exchange over at Penny Arcade. This guy is a whole new level of awesome. And by awesome, I mean sabotaging his own company and the jobs of those working for the company, all for our enjoyment.

"But just because everyone else is buying INFINITY WARD'S latest military shooter doesn't mean you should, right? Lets see."

I was exactly the opposite. I thought Arkham Asylum got old fast (I like the new one), but couldn't wait to get back to Uncharted 2 when I got home from work.

And the BanHammer drops in 3...2...1....