Is DKP still a thing? I have not played in years.
Is DKP still a thing? I have not played in years.
You may want to tell all the children in line at EPCOT to take pictures that Duffy is a flop.
You are not the REAL Infinity Ward!!!!
Wait, thats it? Show me a bunch of stuff I already have/do?
Halo! Drink!
On a serious note, this seems all rehearsed and scripted, which is fine, but where are the games on the gaming system?
Forza! Drink!
I have something that turns on all my components. It is called a universal remote.
XBOX One? errrrr
I like Kotaku, but I don't go by their reviews anymore. I like Polygon because they review as a panel, not one persons experience. Plus Crecente is over there with his flowing hair.
Rafi Bomb!
I just bought the PC download version from Amazon for $25.
Well written. I love playing shooters in 3D (Killzone 3 was amazing!). I do not understand the hate towards the technology I see on sites like this. IS ti because you can't handle the 3D (my wife can not watch without headaches). Or is it jealousy? I just don't get it.
Wow...Halo 4 looks awesome!
Was this sarcasm? You can have awesome gear and still be in the 100's. I beat the game, what is the purpose of me promoting my level 20's and starting from scratch?
And I bought the collector's edition. At least I got a cool statue!
I got excited that Nature Boy Ric Flair was in the trailer. Oh well, it still looks good.
Awesome! A new version of COD's Zombie mode, but repackaged for $60! Thanks Activision!