I was one who also gave up on GTA4, just getting bored with it. I traded it in for MGS4 and got rediculous trade in value. Almost completely paid off MGS4, which is AMAZING!
I was one who also gave up on GTA4, just getting bored with it. I traded it in for MGS4 and got rediculous trade in value. Almost completely paid off MGS4, which is AMAZING!
As long as he is not smoking Newports, I will not want to boot my PS3 across the room.
I was going to take off today, but my boss took off instead. Very odd....
A remake of Mega Man would be great!
@StopTheOncoming: I dont think people would praise it if in AoC. Again, as stated earlier, LOTRO has a deeds system which is very similar.
I stopped watching wrestling once ECW (the real one) and WCW both went under. WWE to me is HORRIBLE!
Maybe at least we could get a Vietnam era COD? Another WWII is just recockulous!
I guess this will be available through the DS download station? If so, not all GameStops have the station.
@Mommar: I agree. Lord Maul is still one of my favorite villains. what a waste to let him die, especially to a jobber like Kenobi
@kadaj_sama: 108 apprentices. At least, thats what it seems. And no one ever noticed as they went missing apparently. They were never on the side of Blue Milk cartons. So sad...
Lots of Star Wars love. Wow.
The price is expensive. Unless DS quality. Then still, kinda pricey for only touchscreen capability.
@Antihippy: Every "new" chip set was supposed to fix the RRoD. Still no luck fixing it. I think I am just lucky, having one of the launch models that seems to keep trucking along.
Think about this...2.99 a month for betas/ demos. Better than 5 bucks down for same stuff for preordering from GameStop
I saw it to!
Ghost Hunters MMORPG. Enough said.
Many web sites and paper have now run with this story as being true. I took it upon my self to comment on one of them about fact checking. The UK site was recently updated to show it was a mistake. [www.telegraph.co.uk]
Maybe just trying to get a rise out of people? It did win numerous awards for a reason....
@Kenny: All the 19.99 Kidz Sportz games at GameStop
Have they released system specs yet?