Now, if they could only agree to do the VII remake, then we could all be happy gamers!
Now, if they could only agree to do the VII remake, then we could all be happy gamers!
My wife is an r-tard for Tinkerbell. No really, she is kinda slow. She jumps off the bed with cardboard wings. She will be so excited!
When this game came out, the PC version was hacked, and the coding for the 360 and PS3 was found. Anyone else remember that?
Uwe Boll should do a bio-pic on this guy. It would be AMAZING!
Now I will pass over it. thanks for the review!
I swear IGN hates the PS3 anyways
I love the term "meat shield"
Pink is the new black
The dwarf was my favorite. He had his cute, little combat roll- axe to the chest move
I think one of the Kids in the Hall is in this movie....what the hell was he thinking!
I am way to excited by a new Pixel Junk game
My wife is then a hard-core Pixel Junk Monster gamer. Next time she says she "likes to play games casually", I am going to yell at her, "There is no casual gamer you bitch!"
Can't they just go back to hating rock and roll, and leave gaming alone. I am sure Dee Snyder would love the attention!
That pic can only make me think of Austin Powers..."Judo Chop!"
I watched...and wow....
This guys sucks. I never realized just how bad until I watched "In the Name of the King". I think my pupils are still scarred from that hunk of visual crap. He would make an amazing straight to video kind of guy, but no more big budgets please!
Why do videogames always lead to someone being drunk? At least I know it does for me.