
Completely on-topic: I picked up MLB 10 The Show tonight. Great game, just like last year's offering.

@EgoCheck616: The endgame just makes it all the more depressing, in a brilliant way.

@zerocool01: Have you seen the credits roll yet? I was in tears by the very end of the game.

@eclair: More accurate motion-sensing than just the accelerometer.

@jjeremycai: Original iPhone. 2G. Silverback. Released 2007.

My iPhone 2G, with its shattered screen, bad reception, and lagging processor, has served me well these past 2 and a half years. Come June 24th, I think this brave little soldier will finally be laid to rest.

@Magical_Monkey: It was also a terrible game that no one should take as a serious critique of anything!

Great piece, Owen.

@Chalkdust: You calling me a Cowboys fan?

Best of the week was a Cubs-Mets matchup? We need to step it the fuck up, guys.

@agentgray: If they're smart, they'll let you play as both Starkiller and his super-badass MegaSith clone. They're probably not that smart, though.

Munn wasn't funny at all. Wyatt and Asif were both hilarious, though.

@I slept with your wife: I have since turned to more reliable sources than Geordi La Forge's Twitter and the Deadspin commentariat. Thanks for the answer, though.

Apropos of nothing, LeVar Burton's Twitter feed just informed me that John Wooden has passed away. Anyone know anything?

Next up? MouseRat's "Sex Hair", from Parks and Recreation.