
That'd be nice.

1) P3P is a bad version of the game.


And just look at the way she was dressed!

And bullshit like ZOE or Armored Core isn't fun, either. How about we stop with the giant robots? They're really not as fun as you'd imagine.

Aww. Expected Owen to write this one up, since he knows I go to Baylor and am his favorite Texan. As a Baylor student, I've spent the past several years seeing countless sad photoshops of Baylor players onto the NCAA cover. It's nice to see the real thing for once.

Persona 4's one of my all-time favorite games. This really bums me out.

Agreed. I've said time and again that gamers suck.

I dunno. I love me some pinball, and love playing on actual tables whenever I get the chance, as I think it's a pretty awesome piece of gaming history, but I'm not sure I'd call it a sport. Not really sure it matters, though. Pinball's awesome.

Milk and Pepsi, Laverne and Shirley-style. Gross, but not unheard of.

Yes, I understand Catcher, and it's a fine book- it's just vastly overrated by wangsty high-schoolers that want to mope around and think that Holden embodies their personal struggle. And it frustrates me when those same kids directly compare it to Gatsby, and call the Great Gatsby crap.

Catcher's a vastly overrated book beloved by teenagers. The Great Gatsby is probably the defining example of contemporary American literature.

Man, you missed out. Brotherhood was even better than 2.

An Idiot Abroad (originally on UK's Sky HD, currently airing in America on the Science Channel) is a brilliant, brilliant show. Hunt it down and watch it.

It's not that they're trying something new, that's fine. It's the premise and setting that I find really offensive, and a lot of that stems from the fact that I have zero faith that they will treat the setting and the massive amounts of bloodshed they're couching this new game in with any respect.

Note: I'm one of about three people in the world that loved the very first Call of Juarez. Never played Bound in Blood.

@JCDenton: You should read my... emphatic thread I made regarding that trailer elsewhere in this post.

@dmcshinobi: It was that and Assassin's Creed 1 for me. I just waxed poetic about that game's trailer in another thread. Man, what a good game, and good pre-release stuff.

@Mr.Wake: Yeah, the series is one of my current favorite IPs in gaming, and I love it to death. And the Brotherhood one was a pretty good trailer. But that Lonely Soul video came out in spring of 07, and had me more excited for the first game than any other game on the horizon, except for maybe GTA4. It showed actual

Now playing

Also, this is a fucking GREAT trailer. One of my favorite ones ever.