@kyosen: It's a spoiler in the context of the comics. The movie is set up differently- you know who Red Mist is and watch him decide to find Kick-Ass. It works well in the movie.
@kyosen: It's a spoiler in the context of the comics. The movie is set up differently- you know who Red Mist is and watch him decide to find Kick-Ass. It works well in the movie.
"He leaned forward, he projectile vomited all over me and my daughter," Vangelo said with a look of hurt splashed across his face.
@ElephantFace: He played the first three-quarters of the co-op campaign with MTV's Russ Frushtick. Did you read the post?
@Cameron Budde: You're talking about Mass Effect 2. The other commenter was talking about Just Cause 2, which will probably take about 80 hours to complete 100%.
@hatmantc: City government employees make shitty pay, and property's expensive. Hell, I imagine his pension would only be enough to cover his apartment and bills/food. However, he's got at least two other properties- the warehouse, and the apartment with the cameras and poison from challenge number 5. He helped Paco…
@hatmantc: Clearly, you have no idea what a city police officer's pension looks like, nor do you have any idea of how much money went in to all of Shelby's bullshit.
@hatmantc: How did he afford all the bullshit cameras and GPS locators and the car and the apartment and Paco's nightclub, LET ALONE the fucking warehouse property?
@VincentGrey: He's not even formally on the case, though. I'd accept that she knows about all of the city police (Carter Blake, et al) and possibly even the Feds who are getting involved (Jayden). But I doubt she knows that some asshole retiree named Scott Shelby is going around doing cursory interviews with the…
@cin1122: Camera panned over to Lauren playing with the music-box for about 15 seconds. Player wasn't actively controlling Shelby at that point.
@CassiusLonginus: Shelby: "Oh, boy, I could really go for a patty melt right about now."
Not a plot hole, but just kind of crappy: Shelby is how old, 41? 42? I'm loosely guessing based on his apparent age at his brother's death, which I believe occurred in 1978. Not a stretch to say that he was eight years old (possibly younger) at the time. He is in impressively horrible condition for a man in his early…
Also of note: Madison nearly shit herself upon learning what John Shepard's brother was named. Why? Did she know Shelby? Why was that such a shocker to her?
@Lindsay Lohans Left Boob: Prove it.
@Kobun: Gumbo, chili, and chicken-and-dumplings all get exponentially better after 24 hours in the fridge. And I'm going to assume you mean something like a chicken salad or an egg salad, as opposed to a leafy greens salad.
@JayUnreal, JASON!: Venture Brothers is, with no hyperbole, the best television show in history.
@BENTrandom: Goddammit. I had hoped they'd pick back up by May. Thanks for the info.
@Masonvrocks: Three 360s and one PS3.
My Blu-Ray movie collection is sadly lacking. It consists of Batman: Dark Knight, District 9, Hangover, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Resevoir Dogs, and the Departed. Need more movies. Also need to buy the Mad Men season 3 Blu-Ray set, which just came out, but that's a TV show, and not a movie. I also need True…
@mundox: Got a copy of that laying around somewhere.
Skate is an excellent, excellent series. Looking forward to the new city.