
@kyosen: It's very streamlined, to the point where it's almost enjoyable, something I haven't experienced in a Final Fantasy game since FF1. Things like the inclusion of the datalog kind of indicate that maybe someone at Square-Enix has heard of, at least a little bit, some sort of Western RPG. I like that the game is

Hmm... Some FFXIII, maybe some BFBC2. I lent MW2 to a buddy of mine, but if I see him, I'll get it back, and maybe do some of that online with some people from here. And if this weather keeps up, I'll do some Star Trek Online out on the patio.

@krishna830: I've only seen Vanille do it. Figured she was just being weird.

@madcatz: All of the above, really.

Don't have Windows 7, but for what it's worth (admittedly, very little), I keep my OSX dock sequestered in the bottom-right corner of my desktop, pinned to the right side, rather than the bottom. I can always see it, it takes up no vertical room, and due to gesture-based scrolling, I never accidentally click while

Fine by me. The screens I've seen so far of Civ V look pretty stellar.

@Antiterra: FUCK AND YES that is an awesome picture.

Now, Tommy Carcetti was an asshole, but he never stole from the city's funds to play Need for Speed.

The simple fact is that a loaded firearm was left unattended in the presence of a three-year-old. The child either had enough time without supervision to figure out how to dislodge the safety mechanism, or the safety was off in the first place. I can't see the blame lying with anyone other than the parents.


@ArkansasFred: Amazing forseight on the part of Morehouse, as Yoda wasn't a movie character until 1980.

Bad Company 2 and the Just Cause 2 demo. Maybe a bit more of my second Heavy Rain playthrough.

Whoops, someone forgot to close their tags!

Excellent. Thanks for putting this together, Bash. Old Westerns almost always have stellar music. It's great to find this sort of compendium on Kotaku.

None of those are due to me. Only game I've bought off of Steam recently is Star Trek Online.