@Eternalbl: I fully intend to do so.
@Eternalbl: I fully intend to do so.
@Eternalbl: But I am decidedly a non-fan. The only FF I've enjoyed, even to a moderate degree, was FF1, and that was on a friend's PSP, while I was coming off of a Pokemon bender. I hate JRPGs, especially Final Fantasy. No clue why I'm wanting to buy this one.
Someone talk me down. I'm intoxicated to the point that I am actually considering purchasing and playing this game.
@deanbmmv: Just trying to consolidate groups here.
@deanbmmv: The site is empty, yes, but it's mainly a hub for the IRC channel, home to about 30 Kotakuites from around the globe frequenting it at all times. Should you wish to simply hop into the IRC channel, the server is nerdrage.dyndns.org and the channel is #kotakuites. Utilize your favorite IRC client, or create…
@deanbmmv: I know. See previous edit.
@deanbmmv: Not Ning. Ning is crappy and defunct. Try [REDACTED].
@belo: Halo 3 involved returning to Earth to 'finish the fight'. 5 levels in you jump through a wormhole to the center of the galaxy. History tends to repeat itself.
Damn. This is some hard-hitting stuff, particularly article 1 on page 2. I can't imagine a judge finding against West and Zampella unless there are still things going on we haven't heard about.
@The Few. The Proud. The female Giz.: I insulted the question, not the questioner. :)
@The Few. The Proud. The female Giz.: Manufacturers and developers have overhead and other projects to work on. For pirates, supporting games is an open-source hobby. To ask why developers and manufacturers can't show the same level of support is a bone-headed question.
I've been catching up on serialized dramas. The Wire has taken up The past couple weeks of my life; I'm on episode 5 of season 5. One of the best shows I've ever seen. If you've never seen it, watch this and see what you're missing. Trust me- it's good.
I have extraordinarily high hopes for LA Noire, and there's so little known about the game. I can't wait for it.
@dnadns: You're suggesting that Gabe Newell and Valve were spying on you and your new wife on your honeymoon, and you haven't contacted the authorities?
Sweet. Awesome, awesome, awesome.
@gojikan: Heading to New York City in two weeks for Spring Break, and then driving from Houston to CA for Coachella in April.
McMike, I'm disappointed you didn't take the opportunity to plug Kotaku's hashtag pages, specifically #tv! I'm trying to get that set up as a Kotaku-wide television discussion page.