
I never understood the purpose of having the lower half of your face and neck area exposed in hockey. I know the chances are slim but I would a assume a stray puck would be another priority to consider with the helmets design.

What ever he's chewing on must be the edible equivalent of the Giants season.


But she didn't keep it a secret and that's why she's basically awesome.

My favorite is the guy stuck in the Captain Morgan position.

I love all the arms went up in oblivious rejoice. They're like dogs wagging their tails thinking their owner is dancing after they stubbed their toe.

Considering I've never heard of anyone named Jason Tucker, I would have to say no.

No joke, that possibility popped into my head way to quickly.

I've only heard people say "get off my dick". Which pretty much mean mind your own business, keep my name out your mouth, stop talking about me, etc. The way he used it? Yeah, I'm kind of confused as well.

I have never heard anyone use that slang in either a positive way or outside of just being frustrated. Hilarious indeed.

That is some serious sadist shit right there. It sounds like the guy was turned on by just following her. I hope they find him.

I don't know how but it felt like I got the joke twice. Nice job.

As a Lions fan, I concur. I had a random sports chat with a fan last week at a Pancake House where we talked about how Jason Hanson and Barry deserved so much more than the Lions could ever offer.

That was honestly one of the most unattractive things I've ever seen. Her boyfriend looks perfect for her.

Hey, sometimes tweeting isn't enough.

Um, I'd throw it butt naked if it helped me win 100k.

This is a little off topic but a few weeks ago I realized people on the west coast have to wake up at 10 am to watch Football lol. I'm pretty sure Roger say's if they can wake up that early than so can we on the east coast.

Maybe it's because I've never driven while wasted before but I'm impressed at how well she drove while being so detached from reality. She barely drove on the grass on the side of the house.

Why is he carrying his high school diploma?

I hate humans sometimes.