
If he's colored

Kind of like the "best genital wart". Better than the others, but still not good.

umm... the team currently leading group D is Costa Rica. I think we'd do ok against them.

Fuck outta here, Euroboy.

How good was he?

Final Fantasy VII is the most overrated game in this industries history. I understand that this is a subjective position in the first place, but i am exhausted in the praise this gets.

Because not everything is willing sacrifice thoroughness to accommodate your attention span.

Dude, if they were shooting only white people, this would already be on CNN. Also, saying "white people will be the minorities in the US" is incredibly stupid. I'm looking at a projection right now from the census bureau and even when white people dip below 50%, they will still be the largest racial group. It's not

Lol you're such a sad person

Except like... the guy has no idea he was used as an unwilling sperm bank and has a child out in the world. If she wanted a kid and no man, isn't that what sperm banks are for? What if her kid later on in life wants to know who his/her father is? It's unfair to the kid too. Always wondering...

Hi, it's 2014. Welcome to the present. Enjoy your stay.

Yeah, fuck you Tigers players for having fun playing winning baseball! HAVE YOU NO RESPECT FOR THE GAME TO BE PLAYED THE RIGHT WAY?

The Other Expenses, from Magic's 990, included:

Wow. The exploding house video went better than this did.

Please go do a belly dive onto concrete and readdress your conclusion.

Are you going to admit that you didn't read the whole comment or are you going to pretend that didn't happen?

The idea that someone like Richard Sherman becomes a national villain for being rude to other players and guys who have ACTUALLY COMMITTED SERIOUS CRIMES WITH VICTIMS become redemption stories is so goddamn ridiculous.

The problem with the people that keep pointing out Lueke's history is that it ignores the possibility for redemption despite a checkered past. People make mistakes and they grow as a result of it. Yes, it's an ugly truth. Nobody is going to deny it. But the fact remains: many people have gone on from being members of

It would be less funny but more informative* if you simply wrote a story that explained exactly what happened. By the time I got done mentally subtracting all the crap you made up, I couldn't be sure what was true anymore. And your snide commentary about the "stalking" charge, coupled with a complete lack of interest

Could you be a little more vague?