
I always thought those things had sleeves and no one just ever bothered to put them on. Silly me.


How many players have to suffer a torn testicle until Roger Goodell address this issue?

The hate is directed at the Cade, who missed three field goals. The final 57 yard miss was by the replacement kicker.

Didn't the player in that Jets game get injured by the coach? Either way, Tomline was completely out of line here. I would be satisfied with a 1 game suspension.

That's the exact bundle I got lol.

Doesn't even look like he opened it.

She does but it's more than likely just the make up. Her shoulders however look tremendously broad.

That thing is ugly.


My friend (in her early 20's) gave birth to her first child last year to a no good deadbeat. When I asked her why didn't she use protection she said because she's gone unprotected before and never got pregnant.

Looks like he ate chicken and wiped his greasy hands on his pants.

Retails promise a day 1 delivery so they will ship it out usually days before the actual release. Which is why it's never too surprising to receive something a day early.

Now playing

So you're telling me that this wasn't a genuine moment??

Even though it was the epitome of a fad and I haven't played in years, I have to admit I was one of the biggest Rock Band fans. I still have friends that I met from that game. I love this series for what it was able to do for people my age. Introduce us to music we other wise would have never heard. So as one final

Any one else get the feeling that this kid was eager to take snap this pic the moment he heard his granny passed away?

I just wanted one to watch 300. Never ended up getting one though.

Such a sad story. I can't imagine what he's going through. Joseph might as well hang himself for the torture they are about to put that baby killer through. And shame on the mother for leaving her son around that man.

The wrap that the burbs just north of 8 mile get like Ferndale, Oak Park, etc can be straight depressing. People treat 8 mile as like some border between good and evil with the occasional "trespasser" sneaking through to wreck havoc.