
You'll most likely find a girl named Vita in that room before you find an actual Vita.

It seems a lot easier to create a photo-realistic evironment than to create a photo-realistic person.

Wait, so it's not ok to cut open a raccoon and wear its fur?

Trust me, Re:coded explains nothing relevant to the continuity of the story. I even bet a friend that Data Sora will never be brought up again in the series. I have yet to play BBS though; well, the English version anyways.

"A few of them can go to hell (looking at you Dragon Quest"

Linearity doesn't always make a game bad. Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 are perfect examples.

My FAVORITE game :') I don't believe it!!!! :D

It's a good game already to play. But concerns will exist in any and every game from people around the world. So nothing will ever be right the first time (or the second time honestly). The point is you make a better game than before by listening and learning.

I am glad they are making a new one ASAP. The original is just to random and with x-factor added on the characters that are already OP, it just makes the game stupid. Even the best MvC3 players like Justin Wong has expressed concern of being random-ed out at Evo. It's really that bad.

Hence, waiting for Arcade Edition.

Because 12 new characters $5 a pop is dumb from any perspective.

Now playing

One of my favorite players, Hayao, does a variation of it with Hugo. He does a standing 720 in the middle of the combo. Some argue its tougher than Daigos parry but who knows lol.

Smash bros came out before Power Stone.

Smash bros came out before Power Stone.

I think Nintendo is just salty that they only have 200k likes on facebook and the 360 has 10 million.

Are those piercings or just two well placed moles on his chin?

I'd have to say you and Tim are the minority on this one. But to each his own.


The more I see the controller the more I can picture playing games on it for long periods of time.

And out.