

The reason there are few games that are multi-platform is because of the graphical difference. Nintendo was probably the smartest company this generation. Which is why many of their top selling games have over 17 million units sold.

I thought it had a really good story and the ending of the game brought out so many different emotions in me that I couldn't help but be satisfied with the hours I put into it. I agree Hope has poor story but everyone else kept me interested.

It's to early to tell anything but the Wii U already have enough shit talkers so I think a little optimism is good.

There is currently no indication that Sony or MS will blow away the Wii U in the near future no matter how much power they put into their future systems. The PS3 and 360 were vastly superior in the graphics department and the Wii as of right now has outsold both by more than 30 million+ units. Nintendo has a working

They did not show the console because the controller itself holds more questions and interest than pretty much anything else they could possibly show. Not to mention they did not have any games to show off anyways. They spent an hour explaining the controller and people are still confused about it. That's why they

I can't see a resemblance the story of X-2 and what we know of XIII-2.

That's exactly what I though lol. When I read the first paragraph I immediately looked at who wrote it. Much respect to Drew for his honest opinion. I feel to many people just follow the crowd when it comes to XIII

I can understand him saying that for Star Fox but Zelda? You can do pretty much anything to the Zelda serious at this point and it will sale.

Even if, the gamecube was on par with the PS2 in the graphics department. You don't think Nintendo could have pushed for a graphically overpowered system like the PS3? The fact is that Nintendo actually knows how to hit all targets when it comes to their consoles. Why would they even need to spend their time pushing

Thank you Nintendo :')

I don't get why people say Nintendo has "caught up" or is "catching up". The Wii has outsold the PS3 and the Xbox 360 by more than 30 million units. Catching up? They're already at the finish line.

This concept has been around for YEARS with Nintendo. Look up the Gamecube & GBA connection.

2 out of the 3 problems you named for Brawl is present in almost every competitive fighting game. Sometimes I don't even blame Brawl for its crappy online play. I think it's just the Wii. Damn near every online Wii game is like that. You ever tried to play Tatsunoko vs Capcom online?

*saves image* thank you.

I believe you fail to realize that the very large majority of the 10 million+ purchasers of Super Smash Bros Brawl do not even know what wave dashing is and could not care less. I'm 21 and have played every entry into the series at launch and I never knew of a competitive community until 2009. If the competitive

Tell me about it. GHNeko almost makes me ashamed to be a fan, let alone a person who has actually entered tournaments.

Believe it or not there is an audience for this. And most of them are my college friends.

As soon as I saw the picture of that girl I got the joke before reading the title lol

Damn! Im so mad I did not think of this first lmao. I knew it sound familiar!