
Yup. Whenever Jesus-y people start their sermons at me I like to let them know that I was raised christian and that the founding pastor of Calvary Chapel is my godfather- and that has led me to my current atheism.

They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.

It’s got to be a combination, with religion attracing the outskirts of sanity, and then the religious echo-chamber and indoctrination making sure they stay on the outskirts.

To those thinking about Pinkham’s Lawing Brett’s story about post-church people hanging out for way too long holding Bible study: don’t. It’s a total asshole move.

I thought the rule was you tip based on what the meal would have cost without coupon. Fifty-buck bill that would have been 80? Tip on 80.

I tip according to the normal price of my meal, plus tax. So if I have a groupon for two entrees for the price of one, I tip for two entrees plus tax. If my favorite waitress at my favorite restaurant pours generously and brings me a free glass of wine (which is common), I tip according to the number of glasses she

I've been thinking lately: Does religion make ppl crazy or are crazy ppl more likely to be super religious?

I think that when you get some kind of special deal (coupon, comp’ed drinks, etc.), it’s a good practice to tip on what the meal should have cost. If you didn’t actually partake of the free thing, I think you’re good.

That's what got him so much support among the Stupid demographic in Wisconsin. There are plenty of well-educated, reasonable and practical people in the state, but just a few more dumbasses who are so focused on themselves that they'll vote this troglodyte in because he "sounds just like us". People, people ... you

Yeah, I’m always struck by people taking at face value our leadership’s simultaneous saber-rattling at Iran and ignoring of the sins of the other major players in the region - Saudi Arabia, Egypt, even Turkey. They’ve all got plenty of blood on their hands, it’s just some are allies (or at least non-antagonists) of

Or he’s just completely ignoring the fact that the U.S. has repeatedly, decade after decade, caused the power vacuums in this region.

The only way in which he’s wrong is that he is singling out one particular group of bad apples. All the rest of the religious groups deserve to be included in this party.

I don’t really care about individual goodness, if you follow a set of teachings that encourage violence or hate towards others then it doesn’t matter

Lemme guess: gay marriage? Obama? The twin hoaxes of global warming and evolution? No mandatory Christian prayers in schools?

I would like to declare war on radical Christians. Someone please drop bombs on them. Thanks.

His story checks out: as a toddler I hit the crown of my head on something, and a mere forty years later I got a bald spot there too.

Because there are many women who truly believe abortion is murder, women should be focusing on the home, and/or brown people are evil.

If Scott Walker isn’t the perfect embodiment of “falling up,” I don’t know what is. If Trump ever gets out of this primary, I predict all those voters will move to Walker because he’s got that same thing happening where stupid people think he’s smart because he sounds just like them.

Is it wrong of me to constantly question how a woman in this day and age can support the GOP? I’m not saying they should support the DNC, but it kind of bothers me when these people have a female spokesperson willing to give lip service to the hateful things the spout.

Handfuls of reasonable Muslims is the new binders of women.