
Definitely not just you!

Thank you for sharing this. Wow.

Uhhhh you’re asking about grammar but can’t correctly use to/too? This might be too big of a conversation for you...

Oh my, that is...something.

Your show ideas, while good, are way too serious to be accepted by the public and networks, and totally wrong for a sitcom (but good for movie scripts). Even The Mindy Project avoided abortion as a topic despite its relevance to her job b/c it was too heavy of a topic. Also, is race even going to be a topic in this

Unfortunately, not true. I’ve known a couple of small dudes who enjoyed showing off the peen in public. One dude in particular was known for getting nude and parading around parties playing his tuba (not a euphemism, actual musical instrument).

Pickles on grilled cheese is amazing! Good luck trying it out.

Thank you so very much for sharing this. I hurt for her, but simultaneously I admire her and am blown away by her talent. What a special woman.

Kehlani is the former frontman of the band Poplyfe, a band that made it to the finals on the television show America's Got Talent. She was good then, and is great now.

Ha! I wish I had access to gifs right now, because I want to give you a look that combines a "knowing" look, but maybe with a smirk and a bit of side eye. Oh the stories we could share!

I am very late in reading this and replying, and I'm still in the grays so it won't matter anyway, but I am a former vet tech and I understand all of this, and mostly I just want to tell you that my heart goes out to you for this day! Holy shit what a day (and no pun intended).

First, get a black light so that you can find the spot(s). Then go for the Nature's Miracle, making sure to soak the carpet and pad underneath. It might take more than 1application, but it seems to be a pretty tried-and-true method among my friends and my own household. Then consult your vet for a possible urinalysis

I recently got my doctorate, went through comprehensive exams and dissertation and all the rest of the hell that is the process of earning a doctoral degree. I am highly anxious person that drove myself crazy before the exam, defense, etc and had to bow out of a lot of fun stuff in order to succeed. Non-doc students