
I'd like to read the book, but no way in hell am I going to pay $500 to buy it.

Here are my 4 reasons.

1. Live in an apartment.
2. My DD is a 2003 Cavalier. It doesn't break. *knocks on wood*
3. My wife's car is a 2013 Veloster with the extended 10yr/100k mile bumper to bumper coverage.
4. Oil changes aren't that expensive. And I don't consider refilling fluid levels when needed "wrenching."

So this guy comes into my shop the other day. He says he recently replaced his turbo with a larger turbo that was chrome. He thinks that the new turbo may not be producing as much boost as the older one and he wanted me to check it out.

I've been out of work for years. I'm glad to see someone is fighting our cause.
Thank you kind sir.

That's because something else will break or wear out before the part that should be recalled is ever discovered.

I've had older cars, but my current DD is a 2003 Cavalier. I drive it 0.5 miles at a time as I live close to work. I know what you're thinking, yes I COULD walk to work. But I prefer to not be sweating by the time I get to work. I do live in the butt crack of Houston.

Back to my point. I know its not very old, but

I bought my wife one in red. Its a fun car to drive most of the time. Fits her needs well. She's got a heavier foot than her skill load can handle, so this car fits her perfectly. (Its slow)

I've seen one at the Houston Cars and Coffee... when that used to be a thing. :(

The A380 is probably the largest aircraft you'll get to fly in, seeing as it's the largest passenger airplane in the world. It's so big, a maintenance check takes 55 days!

I'd like to hire you. My DD Cavalier needs washing. You want the job?

South Texas says Hi. Enjoy your snow. We'll enjoy low unemployment rate, low gas prices, reasonable cost of living, and we'll even let you keep your snow. Oh, and no state taxes here.

My daily driver is a very crappy car. It doesn't even follow this rule. No arrow, and the gauge is on the opposite side of the filler door. Cavalier FTW... but at least I only commute like half a mile to work. Which translates to filling up ever 3 months.

No Doug. Just no.

Who signed in as you and wrote this completely normal post? This isn't the Doug we've come to know and love.

Just no.

I'll accept penance in the form of a sign off saying you're wearing no pants.

Didn't they already have trouble with market share?

Yeah this'll help...</sarcasm>

Duplicate post, apparently my internet provider is pony express this morning.

Sorry, late to the argument. Betty (that's my horse) got stuck in the Houston traffic.

Yep, he lives in Austin for sure... All the cop talk let me in on it. That's all my friends from Austin talk about.


Pretty sure that's a lambo dude

oh you mean the Cars and Coffee that gets shut down because of people like this?

And yes, these guys always race around north Houston.

These idiots do this EVERY WEEKEND in Houston.
Sure they normally race in the middle of the night, but they're still idiots.
Their favorite post: "While your sleeping were racing" (grammar is their's and it's wrong every time)
Whats even worse is we have Royal Purple Raceway here locally that will let you race nearly