Rather than purchase a car from either company, you can now invest directly in the Saleen-Hennessey Investment Trust (SHIT). There’s no more efficient financial instrument for disposing of unwanted capital.
I thought they solved the problem of people watching Top Gear illegally by firing Clarkson and hiring Chris Evans.
As a 2 wheeled motorist, it sure sounds like lanespiitting is making you a more aware and focused 4-wheeled motorist. Good.
And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.
By ugly I hope you don’t mean different. Different is bad. Bad bad bad. Heaven forbid we have a car that doesn’t look like anything else. The humanity. “KILL ALL THE JUKES WHILE YOU’RE AT IT!” he exclaims.
I love the concept, HATE the gaudy graphics and wheels.
“Yeah um, I don’t really want to be seen with you but we can still be friends.”
“Why buy a new Mustang GT when you can get this slightly used non-Mustang GT instead?”
Jalopnik: hey can you write an article about this video? It shows a car carelessly endangering the life of a motorcyclist and the cyclist not throwing and ashtray in their car, kicking the the car or inciting a riot. He just reports the bad to a policeofficer who peacefully resolves the infraction.
Why are you suggesting she doesn’t deserve to be fined for breaking the law and driving dangerously? If she had merged properly she wouldn’t have been punished financially.
Good. That's what she deserves. That's exactly what traffic tickets/fines are for. Hopefully she has learned a lesson.
I love how following the law is not enough if you’re riding a moto. Now you have to be nice to every person that doesn’t follow the law, or you’re somehow an asshole or aggro biker.
I don’t see a single thing wrong with what he did. That rider did exactly what anyone in that situation should have done. That lady could have easily killed or mangled him doing what she did, and absolutely should have been reported to authorities.
driving is a responsibility. not only your own safety but the safety of those around you is at stake. “being careless” is EXACTLY the thing that she should be punished for. I’ve seen motorcycles pushed onto the fast lane shoulder of a highway because a car decided to just merge right into their lane without checking.…
No. SHE rode in tandem with HIM. After seeing her error, instead of backing off and slipping in behind him, she CONTINUED to drive in his right of way.
How calm would you be everytime some asshole in a car almost runs you off the road or out of your lane and think’s its no big deal. Guess what, if she apologized all would be well. Ignoring the problem and acting as though nothing is wrong pisses anyone on a bike even more. Mistakes are made, no one ever bothers…
Ummm...maybe she'll check her mirrors next time?
Really impressive stuff, meanwhile at Redbull.....WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE TIRES?! lol
I’d rather be seen in it the way it sits now than in that #61 Stancy-Pants.