
No solid pricing info?

Yeah but the brakes on that thing!?!?!
Stops on a dime. Every Time.

I thought he was saying it came with a Yeti Cooler built in. That would have been a cool option...... Ha "cool" option.... I crack my self up.

Non-Track Car version of Track Car version of Non-Track Car Says Hi!

Corvette Z06 Convertible

Yeah but these guys already have those other 6-10 cars.

Stop trying to burn the dude. It does relate to the story when you realize that the job he did is one of the jobs you would find on the site set up in the article. CCTs are badasses.

Now i'll admit that i did not read the full post. But here are my thoughts anyways if it does happen.

Pull all sound regulations at the track. Let the cars be as loud as possible. Use this as torture.
Make sure there are no windows pointed to the track as the prisoners shouldn't be allowed to see the beautiful race cars.

Oh no, I wasn't calling you out. Just the guy suggesting you get rid of every ad with adblock. I agree with you though, that was a misplaced ad.

Its not my business model at all. I am just a responsible consumer that isn't trying to thwart the system. You've heard "Nothing is Free" right? That statement needs to stay true. Otherwise the machine stops working. I'm done with this thread. If you can't see the point I'm making here you're either a thief,

"This morning Lisa said good buy to her coworkers at Boeing"

Unintentional pun on the word buy/bye?

You sir, are what's wrong with the internet. You make it impossible for anyone to make money off their content. Thus making it necessary for them to put MOAR ads in for those of us who are kind enough to put up with an ad here and there.

(Note you're not the only thing wrong with the internet, but I think content

No Doug, the Raptor fits ANYWHERE it wants.
(Read in regularcarreviews guy's voice)

I think they switched that out when they upgraded the fuel lines from Twizzlers to some type of rubber?

It'll be insured just like a hole in one prize at a Golf Tournament.

ST.... Hey it worked for Ford right?

OR, get this.....
You could buy the RIGHT SUV and have a better straight line performer for LESS money. And you'll have the added benefit of not looking like a Ferrari owning douchebag. And I won't even make a fire joke, but there's that too.

2007 ML63 AMG - Less than $30k
2010 X6M - Less than $45k

I believe his recall of the event said something like "I was pissing blood for 3 days" or something like that.

This may not be worth it to you, but to me I greatly enjoy Spotify. I also enjoy the feeling that I'm actually paying for my music. A payment that I deem fair. I went back to free Spotify for a while, a while being about 1 week. But then again I'm not 12 anymore and $10 a month for music on demand is nothing to me.

In that case: