
She's also A LOT LOUDER than you think as well, I lived on the approach path to the municipal airport in Abilene during college, they used it for touch and go exercises, it was AMAZING to watch them bank in hard and go full throttle.
(Abilene Dyess AFB is home to some B1's)

Because then the enlistment line would be as long as the welfare line.

Even if they DIDN'T support ISIS, I'd bet there's a 99% chance that they knew ISIS was near, you know with all the beheading and stuff going on.

So let this scenario play out in your mind:
"Here, you there, come over here and stand next to this mass murder. What's that?... Yes, of course the one with the giant target

These blimps have been around for quite a while. They had a couple of these guarding the coast of Texas for a while back when I was in high school (and I graduated in 2001). They were there to thwart the drug running business coming in on the coast. I'm not sure how well they worked, but I do know that they'd pull

Yes, because being a nerd means you can't drive. And being an athlete means you can. Yes those are directly related events.


mmmmm Pie.

he said "all THE attention" this is much different than "this" as it implies that he thinks the overwhelming wealth of donations could be used in other research as well, not just for ALS.

That's great and all, and I'm sure this was a long trip on such a small bike.

But I have a friend that has done the Texas 4,000. TWICE.
Most people don't know what that is, but its a 70 day trip from Austin, Texas to Anchorage, Alaska. ON A BIKE. Not a "bike" as in one with a motor, but a "bike" as in a bicycle.


Better not let them read this, you might be as grounded as your Camry.


College was an outright scam.
"We'll insist that there's no way to get a good job without a college degree from a fancy university. We should be able to keep this up to make a whole generation so poor that they can barely exist. And then we'll keep all the money to ourselves."

Also, I'd like to draw attention away from the SS, so that GM will forget it exists and just lets the factory keep pumping them out. (That way someday maybe I can have one)

Fully agree, but if they put a 700hp V8 in the impala there would be no more room for the transmission, thus making it RWD, AS IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE FIRST PLACE! Am I right?

No GM needs to put a 700hp V8 in an Impala.
Thats the level of insanity that Dodge is at.

Church: What are you complaining about, man? We're about to get a tank in the very next drop.

Sounds like the guy is a professional troll.

I'm afraid of maintenance cost and reliability on both BMW and Audi.

This, I agree with this.
My point is that if you want a 4-Door, entry level luxury car that can seat 4 adults with plenty of space, AND you also want that car to be decently quick, AND you want a great CPO warranty, AND you don't want to spend north of $30k then you get a Genesis. Hands down the best car with those

To each their own, but I'd love to have one. I've not driven one yet, so I'm not sure of how well the V8 handles the extra mass over the Genesis, but I thoroughly enjoyed driving the Genesis, and sitting in the Equus is a nice place to be.

To add to the Hyundai perks, if you buy an Equus you get even more perks when at the dealer. They treat those buyers like royalty.

Shame on you!
The question SHOULD be "What car could use more tire/better suspension/less weight to deal with the power it has."