
Whilst this would be a normal analysis for shows of that era, not for B5. The show’s pilot was a surprise success when it was released on Laserdisc (not long after it aired), so for the show itself they decided to film and protect for widescreen, on the understanding that that format would be coming down the pipe for

Bullshit. When Robert Downey Jr and Tom Holland improv entire scenes as Iron Man and Spider-Man, they are considered sooper-geniuses.

This girl does it and she’s mocked by the mediocre.

I see this as no different from forgetting a wallet at the scene, and an officer picks it up to read the ID inside. Now if the officer took the address on the drivers license, went to the house, and went inside without a warrant, that’s more like accessing the data on the locked phone. Finding out who owns an item

I think this also needs to point out the con of having a pressure cooker to wash as well as the pan which you finish the garlic on. For me, a little more time in the oven is worth not having to do more dishes, as a pressure cooker is usually a hand wash item.


see? exact same level of backup for both our opinions, and just as legit and researched.

Wahhhh!!! You need a warning for epilepsy AND diabetes!!!

Thank you for posting this! Now I can point people to this article whenever I hear them saying rubbish like "Windows 10 is spying on you!"

She wants to be a movie character designer "when she grows up."

I just want there to be a crazy but powerfully connected merchant prince in his 50s who is later revealed to be an older version Chumlee from Pawn Stars.

I don't agree at all. This guy was an engineer. So were most of his colleagues working at NASA. They all had degrees and were extremely sharp.

I played around with this idea a few months ago, here are a few that I did...

Come on, just bring back Fiery Habenero Doritos!

Open beta for Doritos? Wait, you have to pay. So... "Early Access" Doritos. I do love this country.


This shirt seems like it is designed to be spiffed up in post-prod. And I think this might be from a scene before they meet the Avengers - remember, Whedon said in the Marvel Studio special last week that they don't start off best friends with the team. So they might get a costume change.

No, Saavik claimed that he'd never faced death because she was still fighting off a "Cheers" hangover.

MidSouth Makers

Chuck Norris is the one flying. Not the planes. They are simply strapped to his boots.

That's no moon...