
Well, here it is 3 months later and the original story about the kid getting screwed and Frank Kent’s response is still making the rounds...

At one point it was Memphis, Chengdu and Nice, France, but Nice dropped out due to pandemic-related inability to get their stuff together, so it was just Chengdu and Memphis. HOWEVER, AFTER bids for 2023 had officially closed it was “decided” to let Winnipeg in on the fun with their own bid anyway. Winnipeg was not

Go look at what r/creepy had done. After a user vote, they only now post John Oliver creepy posts...

Also don't forget that John Scalzi’s The Kaiju Preservation Society was optioned for a TV series before it was even released..

To be clear, and it goes without saying, but Adolf Hitler was much more evil than President Trump.” No, it just means that we have enough checks and balances (so far) that Trump hasn’t been able to act out what he truly desires, not that he is less evil.

So why aren’t any of these stories mentioning @frankfrombatuu who got popular support behind the idea?

I really can’t see Real Genius NOT being #1 - I think it’s far better than Willow. There’s a lot of truth at the core of the zaniness when it comes to super-intelligent people vs the modern education system. The scene with the study group at the library is extremely relatable. I’ve seen (and been!) that person running

Murdernanny is now my new favorite word and how I’ll be referring to IG-11 from now on...

Is that Jeff Vader’s brother? And can I have some penne alla arrabiata?

Not sure why I see all these comments shitting on him or the pictures. Jealousy? I don’t know - in any event, I know *I* couldn’t do this if I tried. It doesn’t matter what his reasons for doing it were, this is a great build and involves several different skill sets to pull off. So fuck off to all the people

Ask anyone who lived in Memphis in July 2003 about “Hurricane Elvis”, a derecho that plunged most of the city into darkness for anywhere from 3 days to 4 weeks in some places with winds officially up to 93mph (unofficially 103mph). I’ve never been more terrified in my life - somehow our house survived without any

And for all those over-reacting boobs != porn - NSFW? yeah, but a pair of titties is not “pornography” and if you think it is, well, that’s a large part of our problem today.

How about Spider-Man: Prom ?

Photonic Boom sounds more like what causes the Lab Ratz (tm), a group of nerdy lab technicians caught in an accelerometer accident, to transform from their scientist selves into a crimefighting quartet of white rodents and back ;).

Plus, dude’s dead - he has no rights to violate

I believe he might have been trolling the dude - he’s a notorious Twitter troll and the original tweet said “Please say no” he said no

I got lucky and got in immediately - got two of the 1.3s

(insert Candy Crush Saga joke here)

...and you wonder why firefighters hate Christmas fires

I’m already making north of $60k/year in the computer industry with only a high school diploma. HOWEVER, I went ahead and entered college last year (I graduated HS in the mid-80s) to get my CS degree. Why? I’ll have gone as far down my current career path at my current employer in the next year or so as I can without