
I don’t know about their other stuff, but I have the previous pro toolkit and it is anything BUT cheap and flimsy. It is by far the best multi-bit system I have ever used and was well worth the money I spent. If this is any way similar, I may have to think about giving this kit to someone that needs a good kit and get

Now playing

A Domino Mask (either dollar store bought or custom made in 5 minutes from craft foam), a fedora and a pair of gloves with a suit (from a thrift store if you don’t care to mess up your regular clothes) and you become a pulp hero ala The Spirit or Green Hornet

It is a two year factual error, not a "fake" - neither image is altered. There is a difference. Additionally, if the second picture was taken in 2013, then the item heading is correct. However the text and the item title are in contradiction to each other.

Um, you have "26 years" in quotes, as if that was a false statement. If the picture was taken in 2013, then it WAS a span of 26 years between pictures. I'm not sure what you're debunking here, but you probably should remove this before you embarrass yourself further.

hmm... $3 for a 1lb bag of masa harina flour that will last you a lifetime if you only use it to thicken chili or $5 for a bag of doritos that will only last you a few times. Plus, with some water and the masa you can make your own tortillas - and from there it's a quick dip in the fryer and you can have better

^^This - and cooking for 30min after adding is IMPORTANT to make sure most of that flour flavor cooks out..don't just add it, get it thick and then serve...

My last duty station in the Navy had one of these in the office, and as I was the only "computer guy" in an office full of SeaBees, it became my responsibility from day 1...

Ask George Mallory

Apparently, you actually didn't, or you wouldn't be so judgmental and come off like a jerk. An actual adult would be able to let others enjoy what they want without being holier-than-thou about it. Now excuse me while I go finish off this gallon of milk with these Oreos.

@1:37 - any significance to him snagging a tablecloth that for all intents and purpsoes looks a lot like a red cape?

"One of the most offensive CGI additions" - I think we can all agree on THE most offensive #hanshotfirst

while it looks the same, and I'm sure the product(s) are the same, this isn't the same company (look at the really bad translated english at the bottom of the page -"We didn't sell any brand productions and productions with no any brand relationship. " dafuq? ) - this new company probably just bought the assets of the

No, I'm pretty sure the designer was Orkan... nanu, nanu

This makes sense because you've obviously never been to the Raleigh/Berclair/Nutbush areas of the city...

Actualy, nope :) - I've been following Giz long enough to know who "this guy" is when it involves death, wood and power tools...

Thanks for the correction Mr. Bezos!

with the amount of time saved, I think I can spare an extra second to hit the end with a box cutter...

So do I. It's pretty clear he's still in shock and isn't quite back with us

I was in the nuclear Navy (Electrician's Mate), I am educated and intelligent, but I (still) pronounce it new*q*ler - it's just my dialect. Which is why I think this whole article is bullshit. You don't like the way I pronounce something? Screw you - you still understood what I was talking about, right? That's all