
Lets let them into your neighborhood first then, hope you don't have any kiddies.

Exactly. Console games already let you adjust screen borders, gamma, difficulty, button configurations, gore, audio, etc etc. Offering two display options isn't going to boggle anyone's fragile mind.

But that fluidity doesn't look weird in an interactive medium, it's apples to oranges, theres some fundamental differences in how frame rate works between cinema and games, mostly stemming from input lag.

Having played Tomb Raider and Mass effect at 1080p at 60 fps, I can tell you, it very much looks simply better than 30, it does not look less cinematic, it doesn't look less like a movie or piece of film, it just looks better.

I hope that besides thumbs and skull fragments, the last thing that went through his mind was "Jesus I'm a dumbass, and this is a stupid shitty way to die."

My body is ready for Evil Sansa.

The whole time with Prince Oberyn, I'm just thinking, "HELLO My name is IƱigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

I figured it was a 'Fuck me' kind of laugh. They trekked half way across the continent to get to Walder Frey's place, turn around when all her relatives there end up dead, trek another half of the way to the Eyrie to find out her relative there just died as well. At that point, you can only laugh at how absurd life is.

You know it's a rough episode when a sudden ax to the back of the head is the third most disturbing visual for the night.

The Princess Bride, as directed by David Cronenberg.

I'll miss you Oberyn. In the short time you were with us, you became one of my favourite characters. And that's why you had to die.

Oberyn was giving me a very strong Inigo Montoya vibe last night.

Even though I read the books and saw it coming, that duel hit me harder than the Red and Purple Weddings combined. They really did a wonderful thing with Oberyn in the show. I just cannot get the image of his screaming face out of my head.

I think it's worth mentioning that in the beetle scene, Tyrion chooses not to crush a beetle.

I just finished watching this episode. I am exhausted. I am an empty shell. There is no hope.

Seriously though...It's like, I can only imagine what will happen to the country that has the balls to actually land invade the US. They are essentially signing their death wish.

Yah, sure, excellent, like that you like it.

1st mod, replace N. Koreans with Chinese, because there's only so much pandering stupidity one can take.

There should be a mod where it changes the enemy from being North Korea to something much more... realistic

Most? Are there any MMOs that have more players at the moment? None of the western released ones do.